Tenders in Educational Testing & Avalution Agency with last date , prerequisites , methods to apply and submit form . paperpk.com provides all Educational Testing & Avalution Agency tender notices , invitation for bids ,and auctions in newspapers of Punjab , Sindh , KPK , AJK and Balochistan at one place.
All Tenders Website / Andriod App or whatsapp Access Price :
1Month = Rs 3000 (30 days)
6 Months = Rs 15,000 1 year = Rs 20,000 (recommended)
Educational Testing & Avalution Agency Tenders in different cities accross Pakistan on PaperPk.com
Disclaimer: Tender notices , invitation for bids and auctions in Educational Testing & Avalution Agency are valid till last date . Please check the last date on ad and apply or submit any dues after conferming from the company / department . We wont have any responsibility for any payment made after seening the ads on paperpk.com .
Educational Testing & Avalution Agency is one of the famous company of Pakistan and here on paperpk.com we provide latest information about tenders in Educational Testing & Avalution Agency its Last date , requirenments , area and prerequisites.