Request for Proposal for Construction of Solar & Gravity Water Supply Schemes at Buner KP for It is the intent of this request for proposal to scrutinize submitted evidence (Documents) for selection ofpotential contractors/firms for the International Rescue committee, for carrying out solar and gravity-basedwater supply schemes in the following locations:LOT # 1 &ndash Village Kunji Baba Tehsil: Mandanr , District BunerLOT # 2 &ndash GPS & GHS Lenagi Tehsil: Gadaizi, District BunerLOT # 3 &ndash GPS Gora Khwar Tehsil: Mandanr , DistrictLOT # 4 &ndash Village Qadir Abad Katakot Tehsil: Mandanr, District BunerLOT # 5 &ndash Village Safari Ghari, Tehsil Mandanr, District BunerThe bidders may apply for all, or any one scheme mentioned above.3. Eligibility:Applicants shall be domiciled in and shall comply with all Government Regulations to operate in(Pakistan). Applicants shall be regular taxpayers and shall furnish a copy of their operatinglicense/certificate of registration valid for the fiscal year (2023/2024). Applicants shall not be under adeclaration of ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent practices.4. Cost of BiddingThe Applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the preparation and submission of itsbid, and IRC hereinafter referred to as &ldquothe Purchaser&rdquo, will in no case be responsible or liable for thosecosts, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. A prospective Applicant requiring clarification of the bidding documents may notify the Purchaser inwriting by sending an email to [email protected] The request for clarification must reach thepurchaser not later than December 03, 2024 The Purchaser shall respond by e-mail providingclarification on the bidding documents no later than (December 11, 2024). Written copies of thePurchaser&rsquos response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source ofinquiry) shall be communicated to all prospective Applicants which express an intention to submitsealed proposals.C. PREPARATION OF Documents Applicant shall submit sealed bid documents marked as &lsquoPROPOSALS FOR SELECTION OFCONTRACTORS/FIRMS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR AND GRAVITY BASED WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES INCOMMUNITY-DISTRICT BUNER (KHYBER PAKHTUNKHW&rdquo).addressed to the office below by or before December 14, 2024. The Procurement Committee,International Rescue Committee (IRC) Country Office, Building No. 2, Plot No. 270, Sector I-9/3Industrial Area, Service Road North, Islamabad. Disclosures of conflict of interest shall be made in writing to the IRC Supply Chain Coordinator or DeputyDirector of Operations in your country. For global procurement, please write to GSCQA. Email:[email protected] IRC officials shall then determine whether a conflict exists and is material, and whether thecontemplated transaction may be authorized as just, fair, and reasonable. If conflict exists, then the vendorwith such a conflict shall be prohibited from participating in the transaction from Customer dated 29 November, 2024
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