Request for Proposals (RFP)-Event Arrangements-Khairpur Sindh for Request for Proposals (RFP)Two-Day Conference on "Human Rights as a Foundation for Sustainable Peace"The Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) invites proposals from qualified serviceproviders to organize a two-day conference on "Human Rights as a Foundation for SustainablePeace" at Shah Abdul Latif University (SALU), Khairpur.Event Details:&bull Event Dates: December 19-20, 2024&bull Event Time: 09:00 am - 5:30 pm&bull Venue: Student Society Centre, SALU, KhairpurScope of Services:Service providers are requested to submit proposals for the following items and services:Sr.No.Description Quantity Remarks1 Tea Service (Day 1 - Morning) 220Morning tea with biscuits for participantson day 1.2 Tea Service (Day 1 - Evening) 200 Evening tea with biscuits on day 1.3 Lunch Boxes (Day 1) 250 For participants on day 1.4 Water Bottles (Day 1) 300 For participants on day 1.5 Tea Service (Day 2 - Morning) 150Morning tea with biscuits for participantson day 2.6 Lunch Boxes (Day 2) 200 For participants on day 2.7 Water Bottles (Day 2) 200 For participants on day 2.8 Sound System 3Includes 3 SP4 speakers and 6 microphoneson both days.9 Center Tables with Table Mics 4 For panel discussions on both days.Sr.No.Description Quantity Remarks10Sofa Seats for Panel Discussionon the Stage8Sofa chairs for stage seating for panelists onboth days11 Tables 4Standard size tables for tea arrangementson both days.12 LED Screen (SMD, 10x10 ft) 1To be installed in the main hall on bothdays.Proposal Submission Requirements:Interested vendors must submit their proposals including the following:1. Detailed cost breakdown for each item/service. Cost of different menus for lunch boxescan be mentioned.2. Tax registration certificate (if any).3. Company profile.4. Delivery and installation cost (if applicable).5. The supplier will be selected through a competitive bid process and samples pictures willbe asked for the perusal.6. Quotations through email will not be accepted.7. All government applicable taxes will be deducted from the payment, kindly mention theGST(If applicable)separately in the quotation.8. The quotation must be provided with the complete required specification.9. The quotation shall be valid for 30 working days after receipt.Note: CPDI will initially release the base payment of goods after satisfactory delivery and willwithhold the GST amount(if applicable) till the receipt of tax exemption certificate to be receivedfrom the tax authorities. The remaining amount of invoice (GST amount) will be settled in casethe GST Exemption Certificate is not received in the stipulated time period-. The tentative timefor the said exemption process will take up to 90 days.Submission Deadline:Proposals must be submitted no later than December 4, 2024.Submission Address:Proposals must be submitted to:Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI)House 55, Street 690, G.13/3, Islamabad.Evaluation Criteria:Bids will be evaluated based on cost, quality, compliance with specifications, and vendorexperience. CPDI reserves the right to accept or reject any bid without assigning any reason.For further inquiries, please contact 0313-5848977. from Customer dated 29 November, 2024
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