National Database & Registration Authority Islamabad Tender Notice (2) for 1. National Dotabase and Registration Authority (NADRA), Ministry of Interior, Govemment of Pakistan invites applications from the experienced and interested eligible opplicants as prescribed in the lpreguaiification documents registered with Income Tax & Sales Tex Departments and who are Active Tox payers List (ALT) of the FBR for the supplies of compatible toners and drums across cll over Pakistan af NADRA Regional Head Offices for the period of 01 year (extendable) in accordance with open framework agreements. 2. Prequalification Documents, containing application and detailed terms & conditions can be purchased by the bidder upon a n request on Bidder? official letter head addressed fo the Head of Department (NADRA Procurement) at given address from 9:00 AM to 16:00 PM (Mondoy to Friday) & upon payment of a non-refohdable fee of Rs.2000/-. Payment of Tender document fee can be made through Bank Deposit Sip in Bank HBL Account Title: NADRA Headquarters. Account # 0004600051009601. 3. Rupees 350 additional {courier charges) fo be deposited, by the out stationed bidders for the purpose to purchase complete set of Bidding TL 30th October, 2024 {11:00 AM] ot NADRA HQ (2 Islamabad. 7. NADRA reserves the right fo reject all the bids as per Rule 33 of PPRA 2004. PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT NADRA HQ HQ BUILDING SHAHRAH_E_JAMHURIAT SECTOR G-5/2, Islomér id Telephone: 051-90392868 | Fax No: 0519108188 from Fppra dated 08 November, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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