Sui Southern Gas Company Limited Karachi Tender Notice (3) for AMENDMENT 1. Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited, ransmission & Distribution Company. invites sealed bids from the original manufacturers / authorized distributors / dealers / suppliers efc. registered wi me Tax and Sales Tax Departments. possess valid Professional Tax Clearance Cerificate and are on Active Taxpayers fist of the Federal Board of Revenue, far Sugply of DIGITAL PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE RECORDER (02 NOS.) 2. Bidding documents, containing efalled ferms and conditions, efc. are available and can br i through a request on company?s lefter head along with photocopies of above-mentioned documents / Cenficates rom Procurement Deparment, ec Gas House, 21 Kashmir Road, Lahore on or before 211.2024 om 1100 Hours 0 1230 Hours. Price of the bidding documents is Rs. 500/- in fhe shapa.QHGBR/Pay order/DD. While eamest money (in original). in the amount as mentioned in SOR (Appendix-8) in the form of a bank Draft/Pay Order or a Bond [Bid Bad) Jssued by a scheduled Bank of Pakistan on a non-judicial stamp paper as per specimen enclosed as [AppendiF) Valid for 60 days from the date of bid gReNiga. 3. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach af Procurement Department, Ist Floor, Gas House, 21 fkashmit Road, Lahore on or before closing date but before closing time and the same willbe publicly opened on the same ‘date and fime. This advertisemepf tp Vallable on PPRA website at, agency?e®s website at from Fppra dated 07 November, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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