National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice (2) for NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY. NOTICE FOR INVITING (TENDER NO. XEN-CIVIL-GSO-HYD-02-2024-25) Tenders in Sealed cover are invited from the firms who have registered with Federal Board of Revenue (FER) & relevant Provincial Reverlue Abthority/Board for the following civilwork, fhe bidding document shall be issued after fulfing below menfioned igibify condifiors and upon production of required documents. Sr. Nome SFiorks Bid Security (Rs) PEC Category with Code Tender Fes (Rs) 0] Reconstruction of Sewerage System along with Monholes at SO0KV Grid Station NDC, Shikarpur 1.372.000 C5 (CE- Non Refundable 02 Rehabiftafion work of Fencing Wal of 220/1326V Swichyord NTDC, Guddu 741,000 C-6 (CE- 10] 3000/- Non Refundable 03 Repair and Maintenance of Fencing Wail if S00KV [747MW) Switchyard NTDC Guddu 187,000 C-6 (CE- 10) 2000)- Non Refundable 04 Construction Installation of Tube well Bore along with Casing Pipe, Strainers, Jointing of Submersible: Rim) jin Motor, Distribution Boards, Alied Accessories and Tesfing of Water for Residential Colony af 220kV Grid Station NTDC, Quetta 1,486,000 C-5 (CE- 09] 3000/- Non Refundable TERMS AND CONDIIGNS OF THE TENDER NOTICE. 1. The bidding documents could be purchased on request up fo office hours 12 November, 2024 from the office of the undersigned. 2. The fenders shal be receivedlgn 13 November, 2024 up fo 14.30 hours and shall bs opened on fhe same day at 15.00 hows in the office of undersigned n presence of bidders or their authorized representatives, who wish fo = present. 3. In cose fhe date of opening declared as a pubic hoiday by ihe Govemment, fhe nex! officiel working day shall be deemed 0 be the date for submission and opening of fenders of feAgie fime. 4. Bid Security in the shape of CDR sus from any scheduled bank of Pakistan i favor of Execufive Engineer Civ Divsion GSO [5] MTDC, Hyderabad, is rerauisie of fhe ime sfasuonce of fender documents. 5. Eigibity condifions for Tenders / Eider are as under. a) The Fim registered with Pakistan Engineering Council [PEC having renewed/vald fcense (in Origihal Slong with aitested copy. b) The Fim registered with Income Tax Department Gnd are on Acfive Tax Payers Lt of he Federal Board of Revenue and relevant Provincial Revenue Authoiiaiedstums fied wih Income Tax Deparment for ne Financial Year 2023.24. o) Affidavit in original must be submitted on Rs. 0 Non Judicial paper that the fim has not been black sted En 52m Govt organization & not involved in ary ifigafion. ) Tenders wil be issued only fo the proprietor of he firm or is legaly authorized representative on Rs.80 nor-odicicl paper, I CHIC. e) One person wil only represent one firm/company and wil not be enti fo sue fender for more thon one fim/company nor offer bid for more than one fim/company. &. All dds 8 foxes of Federal Govt & Provincial Gov. wil be applicable as per law. 7. Unssaled/Improper Sealed/Incorplete conditional Bids Rates offered wil be refected sight way. 6. The compatentuthoriy reserves fhe ight fo Gooept or reject ihe fender as per PPRA rus. For furiher clarfication/ detail (f amy), please contact undersigned during I ET I from Fppra dated 07 November, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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