National Database & Registration Authority Islamabad Tender Notice (2) for 1. National database and Registration Authority [NADRA), Mini rior, Government of Pakistan invites sealed bids from eligible bidder registered Income Tax & Sales Tax and who are Acfive Tox Payers List ATL] with 100% compliance of the FR for supply of following items for NADRA HQ (Cal Center-slamabad) and is related sub offices Karachi & Swat Call Centers Lo{ TEM Gy 1. Herchers Sooner wih ADF | Lose? Jer (Al none) 1 oper shredder 1 2. Communicaion Devices Pons (Polycom) £2Head si (Vonaurc) wih Connecting cable 161 2. The bidding documents contain detailed Speciication, Insruction, condifions and forms for parficipaing in fhe bid. The bid documents (complete sef] con be purchased by fhe bidder upon o written request on Bidders Official leffer nead addressed fo fhe Head of Deparment [NADRA Procurement & Stores) of given address 2 Upon payment of non-refundable fee of Rs.2000/- info NADRA bank.acdunt and provision of deposit sip fo NADRA Office: Bank HBL Account Te: NADRA Headquarters Account # 0004500051009601 The bidding documents are iso avaicole on es website for the interested bidders which can be viewed and downloaded from without any cost. 3 Rupees 350/- addifional courier charges] fo be deposited by fhe out stafioned bidders for fhe purpose fo purchase complete sef of bidding documents. The complete set of Bidding Documents will be sent via Courier Services. Req fost To tne same must reach at least 07 working dys before closing date of tender else any delay liability cannot be claimed. 4. The bids prepared in accordance with fhe instructions i fhe eidding documents, must reach af fhe address menfioned below on or before 1100 hours on 25th Noverrioer, 2024. Bids wil be Spened on same day o 1120 hours Ths GcErigment is Go avaiae on PPRA wae of wi, 2ora.0rg ok 5. Al ne vendors cre requested fo provide request for sane of fender documents on company letter head incieding.nsminafion of authorized representative (Nome & Designation) for presence at fender opening. Af he fime of tender opening company representative must possess company: érnployee &lsquoCard. 6. NADRA reserves the right fo reject all the bids as per Rule 3 of PPRA 2004. Bid Securify Rs.15,000/- for LOT 1 and Rs.200,000/- for LOT 2 NADRA HQ PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT SHAHRAH-E-JAMHURIAT G-5/2, ISLAMABAD Telephone: 051-50392868 from Fppra dated 07 November, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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