Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited Lahore Tender Notice (6) for Services required from Contractor/ Transporter for transportation of LPG with in Pakistan. 1. Tender/documents contains detailed Terms & Conditions method of procurement, procedure for submission. bid validity, opening of bid, evaluation criteria, rejection of bids, bid bond and performance bond (if applicable) etc. can be downloaded from EPADS website or from can be obtain SSGC LPG H.O., SSGC LDC Building, Karachi Terminal, Opposite Safari Park Main University Road, Karachi on payment of Rs. 3000/- ach through pay order / demand Draft in favor of SSGC LPG Limited or on Cash payment from Monday through Friday befween 0900 Hrs. to 1600 Hrs. 2.8id/ Documents in sealed envelope distinctly marked with Tender enquiry No. must be submitted on or before the date, fime and address tered above. In case of two envelop bidding i.e. Sealed technical proposal & financial proposal shall be submitted separately. Technical proposal will be opened & evaluated first, financial proposal of the technically compliant bidder(s) will be opened on later infimated date.3.Request letter for issuance of tender documents should be pe Undertaking cerffying that supplier(s) is/ are not temporarily or permanently debarred from any Govt. agency/ authority department [without beating any responsioilty LPG whatsoever in this regards).4.The above tenders are also displayed on websites of SLL ( & PPRA. (www. 5.45 per SRO296(1)/2023 Soca March, 2023 £-PAK Procurement Regulations 2023 all bidders are advised to register in E-PAK Acquisition and Disposal System (EPADS)..8ids/ Documents will be opened pUBiicly 30 minutes after bid submission time at address mentioned below. In case the bid opening date falls on holiday, bids will be opened on the next working day at the same fime in the Bresence of bidders or their authorize representatives who may infend fo attend. SSGC LPG Limited reserves the right fo reject all bids or proposals and cancel the bidding a Ly acceptance of bids or proposals. from Fppra dated 05 November, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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