Punjab Workers Welfare Fund Lahore Tender Notice for Supply of Transformer 200 KVA (10 Nos). 100 KVA (05 Nos). 50
KVA (01 No) & 25 KVA (01 No) at WW Compiex (Phased)
adjecent to Sundar Industral Estate. District Kasur.
Supply of Extermal Blecrfication lems (Inside complex HTAT
Disifbuion System, HT, LT Spun Poles and Outside Complex
inching HT Independent Source Feeder, Dismantioment of
‘material, HT Poles for 11 KV indepandent Source Feeder and
‘Shared material and supply of lems for Transformer 200 KVA (10
Nos). 100 KVA (06 Nos), 50 KVA (01 No) & 25 KVA (01 Noj at
WW. Complex (Phase-1) adjacent to Sundar Industrial Estate,
Disict Kass.
Supply of Gad End Panel ith Masters for Extesnal
Ector st Won. Campo (Posse) sac 10 So
Industrial Estate. District Kasur.
from Ppra dated 02 November, 2024