National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice for Sealed tenders are invited on basis of Nafional Compefifive Bidding thre ghngle stage fwo envelope (SSTE). Tender will be issued fo those contractors, who will produce original or attested copies of the following: - 1. Company profile. 2. Bidders are réquirgd to be registered with PEC as valid registration certificate in Category C-5 or above for the curent year 2024-25 and having speciaiizafion code CE-01, CE-09 and CE-10.3. ment lefter of Engineers working with fhe firm as required by PEC laws. 4. The list/detail of technical and supervisory staff along with attested copies of Degree/Diploma. 3, At least three [3] similar nature works valuing not less than estimated cost completed during last two (2) years. The contractor will have fo provide the copies of work order and si completion certificate with in schedule fime otherwise no consideration will be given. 6. Detail of fools & plant available with contractor. 7. 8idder having poor performar & execution of civil works (present / past) will not be qualified. 8. CDR must be attached with the application in advance in the name of Executive Engineer Civil NTDC Isléaad as mentioned below. 5. Bank statement of at least 3 financial years showing average annual cash flow of af least 25 milion rupees. 10. 10% performance guarantee in the shape} Bank guarantee only wil be accepted from successful bidder before the award of work. 11. All prevailing federal and provincial govemment Taxes, levies or charges shall be applicable on Contractors. Firm should have registration with Tax authorities as well as active Tax payer. 12. Tenders wil be issued only fo the owner of the firms or the person holding ity? letter on judicial paper from the owner for the respective work. 13. Tenders where convincing, collusion, pooling amongst the bidders f observed / reported will be canceled. litigation / No black fisting cerfficate on judicial stamp paper duly attested by st class Magistrate. 15. Un sealed/improper er he Res sham en Teo le To ey Sl BR I Ne Eamest money (in the shape of Bank draft/pay Srder] ®s. (Rupees) Tender form Cost [Rs.) N/R 01. Special Repair of Bungalow No. C-1 at Zero Point Colony NTDC Islamabad Rs. 268,000/- Rs. 5000/- 02. Special Repair of Masjid at S0ORY'Grid§fation NTDC, Rawat. Rs, 510,000) Rs. 6000/- 03 Construction of Bathroom Toilets for driver room at Rest House / Hostel at 220kv Grid Stafion NIDC University, Barakahu, Islomala Rs, 190,000/- Rs. 3500/- Tender will be received for the above said work in the office of the undersigned on 18.11.2024 at 11.00 AM and Technical Bid wil be opened on the sg 3 jaya 11:30 AM publicly. Bidding documents can be obtained on request from the office of Executive Engineer, (Civi] NTDC H-8/2 islamabad on or before 15.11.2024 during,Sffice hours up to 11:00 AM. Tender received after the due fime and date will not be considered. This tender is also available on PRA website: (Engr. Muhammad, Sadi) Executive Engineer (Civil) AM(N) NTDC H-8/2, Islamabad PH# 051-9250231 from Fppra dated 31 October, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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