National Database & Registration Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF INTERIOR NADRA HEADQU: INVITATION OF BID 7 REVAMP OF POWER INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING ALLIED SERVICES OF NOW DATA CENTER AT NADRA HEADQUARTERS ISLAMABAD TENDER. 5-157/2024 1. Notional database ond Regisiation Authority (NADRA), Mins of interior, Government of Pkiston invites sealed bids from Bidder must be Authorized of QEM (for the products UPS, cooling system, Distribution system efc.) registered Income Tox & Sales Tax and who are Active Tox Payers Ls (ATL) of the FER for supply of folowindit # TEM 1. REVAMP OF POWER INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING ALLED SERVICES OF NOW DATA CENTER AT NADRA HEADQUARTERS ISLAMABAD 2. The bidding documents cor Specification, Instruction, condifions and forms for participating in the bid. The bid documents (complete set) con be purchased by the bidder upon a writen request 5 official letter head addressed fo the Head of Deparment NADRA Procurement) of given address & upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of R5.2000/- info &lsquoaccount and provision of deposit sip fo NADRA Office: Bonk HBL Account Title: NADRA Headduarters Account # 10004600051005601. The bidding documents are also. on NADRA official website for he interested bidders which can be viewed and downloaded from without any Cost. 3, Rupees 250/- oddifional (courier ) fo be deposited by the out stafioned bidders for the purpose fo purchase complete set of bidding documents. The. Complete set of 8idding Documents wil be sent via Services. Request for the same must reach at least 07 working days before closing dote of tender else any delay abity cannot be claimed. 4. The bids. preparedin o wih fhe instructions in fhe bidding documents. must reach af fhe address mentioned below on or before 1100 hours on 21st November, 2024. Bids wil be opened on same. 1130 hous, This advertisement is Gio available on PPRA website Gt pk. 5. All he vendors ore requested fo provide request for ssuance of fender documents letter head including nomination of authorized representative (Nome & Designation) for presence af fender opening. Af fhe ime of fender opening company st possess Company employee Cord. é. Pre-bid meeting wil be hed on 22nd October, 2024 of 11:000M NADRA HQ G-5/2 slomabad, Al queries must be submit day offer the pre-bid meeting: subsequent inquries wi not be accepted. 7. NADRA reserves the fight fo reject al the bids as per Rule 33 of PARA 2004, PROCUREMENT IMENT (Ex-Focitation Center) NADRA HQ State Bank of Pakistan Buiing, Shafvoh--Jomhuriat, G-5/2. lomabad - 44000, Telephone: 051- 90392597 | Fax No: 0519108188 4 from Fppra dated 31 October, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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