Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited Lahore Tender Notice (4) for 1. Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited. a Gas Tror n & Distribution Company. invites sealed bids from the original manufacturers / authorized distributors / Geclers / suppliers etc. registered with Income T Soles Tox Deporiments, posses: valid Professional Tox Clearance Cerfiicate and are on Active Taxpayers ist of the Faderol Board of Revenue, for supply of ‘GUM SHOES (11 TEMS). 2. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, ete. ore avaiable and can be obfained rough a request on 2: letter head along with photocopies of Gbove-mentioned documents / certificates from Procurement Department. Ist Floor. Gas House. 21-KashmidB6g. Lahore on or before 30.10.2024 from 1100 Hours fo 1230 Hours. Price of the bidding documents s Rs. 2.500/- in the shape of CDR/Pay order/DD. hie ney (in original]. in fhe amount os mentioned in SOR (Appendix8) in the form of @ bank Draft/Pay Order ora Bond (Bid Bond) issued by a scheduled, Ty on a non-udicial stamp paper os per specimen enclosed os (AppendicF) Vaid for 90 days from the date of bid opening. 3. The bids. prepared ince with he nsirucfions in fhe bidding documents. must reach af Procurement Department, Ist Floor, Gas House. 21. Kashmir Road, Lahore on or bs ing date but before closing fime and fhe same wil be publicly opened on fhe same date and fime. Th advertisement availble on PPRA websiie of OIG olragancytels weblile al WWSIGPLGan Pk. from Fppra dated 18 October, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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