Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited Lahore Tender Notice (2) for 1.54 Norinem Gas Pipelines Limited, o Gos Transmission & Company. invites sealed bids from fe orignal manufacturer / auinorzed disfriouton / deciers / supplen etc. registered with Income Tax and Sales Tox Departments, possess void Prof Tox Clearance Cerificate ond are on Active Toroayern iat of the Federal Board of Revenue. for supply of PHOTOCOPY MACHNE (01 NO). 2. Bidding documents, containing detaled terms of ffions. etc. ore ovoloble ond con be obfoined fivough o request on company?s letter head long with photocopies of above: mentioned documents | cereale from Procuremer: 18t Foor, Gas House, 21-Kathmir Rood, Lahore on or before 29.10.2024 from 1100 Hours fo 1230 Houn. Price of the bidding ‘documents Bs. S00/- n the shape of CR/Pay. inte scrmest money (in orignal, in fhe amount os mentioned in SOR (Appendix in fne form of a bank Draft/Poy Order or o Sond (Bid Bond) issued by o scheduled Bonk of Pakistan on 04en<ud<i Home paper ot Der 1pecimen encioted 01 |AbpendiF) Vaid for & days rom the date of bid opening. 3 The bids. crepared in accordance with the insructions in the biddir nis. must reach of Procurement Department, Ist Fioor, Gos House, 21, Kashmir Rood. Lahore on or before closing date but before closing fms [ane the yame will be publicly openadion the adi dale and fie. Th aaversement it avaiable on PPRA wake of agenefiels webs atwwwangeheomak. from Fppra dated 18 October, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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