Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited Lahore Tender Notice for 1. Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited, a Gas Transmission 2 Bigtribution Company, invites sealed bids from the criginal manufacturers / authorized distributors / dealers / suppliers etc. registered with Income Tox and Sales Tax Departments, pbssess vaiid Professional Tax Clearance Cerfiicate and are on Acfive Taxpayers ist of the Federal 8oard of Revenue, for supply of HEALTH CHECK ASSESSMENT OF IT/ OT (SYSTEM AND INEESTRUCTURE OF SNGPL) (01 NO.) 2. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, efc. are available and can be obtained fhrough a request on company?s letter heddalong with photocopies of above-mentioned documents / cerfficates from Procurement Department, 1st Floor, Gas House, 21+ rrr Pont Lotte tos on one TO AOLS0% BI Hon ts TAO His. Pie oo Cin Cr man 3.2 B01 os ots of CRT anton. Wh simmer Io original). in the amount as mentioned in SOR | cix-8) in the form of bank Draft/Pay Order or a Bond (Bid Bond) issued by a scheduled Bank of Pakistan on a non-udicial stamp paper as per specimen enclosed as (Appendhe#) Valid for 120 days from the date of bid opening. 2. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach of Procurement Deparment, ire Gas House, 21, Kashmir Road, Lahore on or before closing date but before closing fime and the same will be publicly opened on the Sars dale.amnd firs. THs Bove Eman BSvaIahiS on FPR AWebie to} win. BoIC.OIS bk. SoontyI os WebSie Tl ww SnatICom ok. from Fppra dated 09 October, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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