Municipal Committee Jaranwala Tender Notice for Construction Of Waste Water Teatment Plant ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE FOR IMPROVEMENT OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM JARANWALA AND CONSTRUCTION OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT (WWTP) Municipal Committee Jaranwala (MC Jaranwala) (hereinafter referred to as the "client"), invites E-Bids (by uploading PDF File) from Contractors I Firms / Manufacturer I Authorized dealers registered with the registration system available on the e&bullPADS and registered with FBRJ PRA (NTN and PNTN) & PPRA for E-Procurement on ge-Pak Acquisition and Disposal system (e-PADS)". All e-bids must be submitted through e-PADS concerning following works: Sr. Description PACKAGE 4 f. CONSTRUCTION OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PEC Category & Estimated Cost Bid Security Code CZ & Above Rs. 555,067.731/- Rs. with CE-09 2. All Eebids must be accompanied by a Bid-Security of the estimated price as mentioned in the above, in the name of "Municipal Committee, Jaranwala&bull, and in the form of CDR/Bank Guarantee / Demand Draft/ Pay Order. 3. Original Bid Security instrument (2% of the estimated cost) must be submitted in an envelope clearly marked with the Tender Title, before the E-bid Submission deadline at the Office of: Municipal Committee Office, Jhumra Road, LG Unit Jaranwala Distt. Faisalabad. 4. Each applicant may apply in any of the projects by rendering a separate request for every project and submission of unique / non-identical requisites against each project, required in bidding documents. (Same working experience. financial soundness and other resources for more than one project will not be acceptable). 5. The bidders shall complete and authenticate their complete_öbids (by_uptoadinq PDE File) and it must be submitted online on e-Procurement System (EPADS) website i.e. as per the followinq schedule: Pre-Bid Meeting Date, 30th Sep, 2024 at 12:00 FM, Time & Place E.Bids submission Date & Time E-Bids opening Date & Time MC Office, Jaranwala 10th Oct, 2024 at 10:00 AM (Sr. 1) 10th Oct, 2024 at 10:30 AM (Sr. 1) 6. In case e-bid or proposal including record submitted on the e-PADS found corrupt, un-readable or contain virus, the e-bid or proposal shall be rejected. 7. Single stage two envelopes bidding procedure will be adopted. Submission of encrypted electronic file shall be deemed submission in "envelope" as mentioned in the rules 8. Only technically responsive bidder(s) will be qualified for opening of financial bid(s). Financial bid(s) of bidder(s) found technically nonres o Sive shall remain unopened in the e-PADS. 9. The procuring Authority may reject all b d' or proposa!s at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal under Punjab PP RuleS?014 (Rule-35). 10. Conditional tender will not be aepted. Tendered rates and amoun hduld be filled in figures as well as in words. 12. In case the total tenderega aunt is equal to or less than 5% of the approved estimated (DNIT) amount, the lowest bidde6Yil have to deposit quality assurance security equal to the amount difference between apprqvpd DNIT amount and the quoted bid amount from the Scheduled Bank within 15 days of issuange of notice or with in expiry period of bidi whichever is earlier, 13. In casei the lastßata of bid submission falls in / within the official holiday(s)/ the last date for submission of th bids shall be the next working day. 14. The bids wilfbe valid for 120 days. 15. Bidders are advised to ensure uploading the Bid on E-PADS Portal, well before the submission deadline, and not wait for the last date and time to upload the bid. Bid submission on E-PADS Portal shall entirely be the responsibility of the bidder. MC Jaranwala shali not be held responsible for any issue thereof. For any assistance regarding E-PADS Portal, system support email and phone numbers are provided hereunder: E-PADS Helpline: CHIEF OFFICER MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE JARANWALA O Newspaper (23 Sep, 2024) ADMINISTRATOR MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE JARANWALA IPL-9049 from Dawn dated 23 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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