Punjab Highway Department Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** HIGHWAY DCt'ARTMCNT TENDER NOTICE schonu' lnv/',od on Sinolo two onvolop (Toenlcol cumd Flnnnc/al I bid Will bo fli10d on Itom ratoø pot with PPRA Rutcs (Witood:od up todato). to Vteso Rum tho can jnrucöato teons and conditbns:v t. intendirq Contractorsfinns wt. havo toglstorad Pakistan Engineering Councu vdid PEC Lkonøos in co&bullgoWcodcs ony paticijae ContractccstFims Ins to on ppm information registraton ean be firms I contactors wil dmv*oad the ctneda cl eseüatim from and upbad the tecnreal proposal & proposal 4 A' intending contractasf hæo to earnest morey tho fom Of COR in tavout the Exeanive Hgtway Murree@2% estünaed cost arc rates items ot wc" on the website not later then Far hout bdore the in&bulle fixed tender ominal COR has to be unmite,d to tho Tend. on the same gay beßre opening of techrical bid. &bulleverw&bulle, he be at EPADSßlan. Techrical bid be opened on at PM by Tender Opering Committee and bd wu overed on Ø.iO.2024 at 02:30 PM rot only teatrvicany quahfeø 0tÉe Of Conwisshmr, Rawa:Dind Drvisicn Rambhdi by Canmaee. r%nrt WII be uphaøed at EPAD P«tal. 91Etön technkalty be the baest evaua.ted onuzial bid (sÖject to of pedonrance guarantee), In ot subnissin any such as CORkecåpt Ccntractocff*rn be dnqv.*ilied from Ole cu tet%etirq procedure be black Keted to participate any grderirg procen of CAW Furthe reconnetdatOn PPM PEC be rnaoe such appropriate actionr agency may telecl al or at Üty pror to accepbnce d a proposals under æRA Rule&bull3S (Rejectm Bids), e. Red-Pavenent shall by coneretc plmt paving machiie. Recovz&bully against 01 be Edßsted marualty and accctdirgty bids be evatu Name 01 Cost i T.SN0.&Date c. 11S4Q4&bull I and '*stria dü&12 Superintending Engineer. IPL9072 Highway Citole No. t Rawalpindi O Newspaper ( 22 Sep, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 22 September, 2024
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