Project Management Unit Muzaffarabad Tender Notice for Supply,Installation,Commissioning Of HVAC Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BID for SUPPLY & INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF HVAC WORKS AT AJK LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY COMPLEX PROJECT, MUZAFFARABAD AJ&K Project lht (RICI) for Con<rucum of AK Leislüve Assembly Complex Proiect, Wratfaroad, AJ&K invtes sealed bits on Stage-Tw Envelope basis from the eligible trms!manufacturers or authorized dstribut0ß/suppig regstered hcome Tax nd Sde Tax Doutngrt and who ue Jso Acbve Taxpaßs List ot the Federal Board ot Revenue torthe Preects and hamg valid license3 by the Pakistan Enginemng Comcil in tie Categuy abwe with (ME-Olb The Cotnplde set of docunmts Eled terms and conations, taWngs, BOQ md walitcationcrltgla e.) shall be purchased on paymertaf prescribed 43cumert fee (bbn-refund±le i.e. Rs. 500) hthe form d bank draft favour of Project Director on cash paymat from ollice of for AJK Legs/üe Assembly ConvexProject from 24, 2024. 2. Pre-bid meeting wa be held cn Octobg 02, 2024 at hours below- mgtioned 3. Bidders ze aå/ised to carry out the site visit to d)tan fir*hand irfcrmün regardng the ROect before submitingthe Wd. 4. The Bids must be submitted two sealed maked as Techrical and Pice Bids sin# cuter in the below 5. The Bid Securty ot PKR Sem (7.5 Wim) inthe form of Bank Draft, COR or Bank exarteofrom a schedJIed bnk cf besLDTdted in envelope along Tecnnjcal Bids, 6. All bil% nwst be stbmited in accordmco the instructons in the Biddng Documents onorbelore Odober10, 2024 til 1200 hours. Technica Bld WIM be opened on tve sameday on 12:30 hurs. 7. Incon•pIBte, cmdnonaJ. uqtmut required Bld SEurity rd be 8. NJ bidÜJwgh Fax. Teepoore, e.oddbe altertalned, 9. In case of any reasons. pubic hdidays oc force majue the bid sutnissiül Ü'd0ß1ing date, the Bd Shal be and Oßned on the 10. In case of falseinformocn provided by the bidder, Ute concerned ffm be Backlisted' déared Inder PRRA rues. da:ision of Emdoyer in the case shculdbefinal. All me pregdfnq PPRA Rules/ Act and govnment notifications issued trom timeto be qiic±le. 12. Employerreservesmermtoacmorrdectanyorallbidsorpn»osastany tinegiorto the acceptmce of a bidin accordancewitl Rue 33 ot PPRAAJ&K. This notice is availöle on AJ KFPRAweb site Project Director Project Management Unit (PMU) For Construction of AJK Legislative Assembly Complex Project, Muzaffarabad 05822-921921 O Newspaper ( 22 Sep, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 22 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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