National Database & Registration Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Consultancy Service,Consultant ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN at h'teritr NATIONAL DATABASE AND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES - INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT SELECTION) C01.ntrw P*stan Name of Project tot* Proøct CreditNø: Title: Prcnrer1E1t Walist Relerenee PX-NAD#A.440WCS-ltOV The Gcw•ernrmt ot Pakisnnhz recevedfnanciro Iron ntermtional Deveicomeq Asscriabt'i (IDA) DgiEI Ecummy ErhancernentProiect PEEP) to »ply put ctthe *hiCh5haI bC Ihe crnsu" seraces tethe protesoonal ot Prmre.nmt *cest at a montrw luno O&base Re$tratjon A1.th0,rity (N.a,DRAJ mec:t (HI.)) to ot Smci*st DEEP ttatc:m assst mar—ret as eqert 6eu, wil provich qu*y cmsutant be innati hirea i ot ya me rnuir«nent perrormance The Termsol R&rence (TOR) t',e assiw&bullat tte 'run Nathrul Datiasa Registaton Aihorty pr*Ct wit ivies catSdatß CCtn*Jltarts') O iüßt as Ecu•ony Ernancen-wrt Hope. Intereqed te rgevn excererceø Etorm he Tt•eservtes wil asist tun at OEEP procuerrerl related nutters The stat Wig criteria are: (i) B.ä&lcrs (4 has) dnra Sujoy {SCW tecovüed (Maws wa be *derred}. ncaæ ct äS0be requitB3 fun HEC- Writrun 10 of post-quucab i"P1txurertent Bknawtuw (i) Bakst hae orofdencyin'.s (VSOd. E.xcd. Pour pmt. 0.1100k Roject). Uty rÜed scitwze. (W) tarma "ith STEP Bank be 10 tecaMda.tes at tine OT Suynssjonotam Will t'&ivocess is drawn to Section Ill, 3.14, 3-16. rd 3.17 of tte The a&ntjm ot World BankS IPF Bcrrowtrs: 2023. Worg Barkspcdi5 cnea&td A oeseeaec in accÜdance wim he seectmot consnnts Furt•• informaumcan be (ht2ined *the 1630?ars PST. Exvessions ot imert5tnust n a wtitinfce•m vittCL,rrcnt rctsuntüd alltte persal or ty rnaj) by Octåer, 2124 tetueC08i.e. PST peæerne.nt(Y tne costjcn apptyüV HR Dte. HQS NADRA, Islamabad State Bank Building G-5/2. Islamabad (44000) Telephone: 051-90391582 O Newspaper (22 Sep, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 22 September, 2024
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