Municipal Committee Jaranwala Tender Notice for Improvement Of Parks,Roads,Purchase Of Streets Lights, Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE JARANWALA TENDER NOTICE Municipal intends to call sealed rate/petcentage above or INIow on MRS as per PPRA Rules for its followir&bull« schernes for FY 2024, 25 acco«fing to martet rates from the contractCFS havög NTN, STRN on the following terms and conditbns. 2. avdlable on EPADS and PPRA Punjab Website. Bidding Shall be eorducted thrmzh EPADS tho method wil be single stage Single envelor as specified in PPRA Rules 2014. 3. Bidders shall fill au the required froms/tables provided the Bdding documents and shall also stamp / sign the biddirg documents before its subrNssi:m on the EPADS. 4. The bidding docunents must uploaded ekctronicany: 11-10-2024 closing date at 12:00 PM and will be opened on satne day: opening date at 01m PM in office of the Munidpal Comrnittee Jaranwala in the presence on the tender opening com.mittee ard contractors cv their representative. S. Bid m&bullritVEarnest moneg in the form CM as each lot shall be uploaded along with bidding documents on EPAOS aM orønal CDR shan "*mitted ih the office of Committee Jaranwala after of Odd on EPADS before dosing date. In case non-compliance bid shall be 6. It is compuløry on a' particoati:rw bidders to quote unit rates in number/percentage above or below on specified schert'"tn MRS as we" as in words against each item / scher* on the priceschedule provided in the bidding docurnents&bdquo Rates filled in any other rejected, 7. The item rates / percentage above or below on ß>rovided shall *l.cltsive of all Govt. Taxes. 8. un-signed. in-compkte, written and doubtful bids shall be rejected. 9. Performance guarantee shall be a as per prevalent Govt. rules and as mentioned the bidding 10. The period for completion rates of the lowest udder. 11. Successfulbådder to "ltbned in work order after approval Of order is will be bound to corduct the required quality control te their own 12. A' otFer cbuses as in bi"ing documents shall stand applicable, 13. In case of arithmetical/typlng mistake, origimJ docunems shall be considered C..«t eon" S % i Rup&bull&bull&bull) tOhtS MC Of MC &bulle pa.if Chief Officer Muncipal Committee Jaranwala flPL-904E) O Newspaper ( 22 Sep, Administrator Muncipal Committee Jaranwala 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 22 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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