Thalassamia Patients Welfare Society Nawabshah Tender Notice for Procurement Of Medicies,Drugs,Medical Devices,Surgical Dressing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** THALASSAEMIA PATIENTS WELFARE SOCIETY NAWABSHAH CS.. Sui G" amte Ate TENDER NOTICE On tte bass or Zakat Budget 2024-25 granted &bulln T Patents welt:re Nawabshah Oist1iCt Shaheed Benatirated by Zakat ard ushr Depattrnent Of Sindh deserving j pow t'.alassaerr&bullia patients, to m.«$cal Thalassaen&bullia Pa&bulljers Welfæ&bulle Saxiety Nawabshah. SBN is hereby nvite seakd bits frotn various TRrnfacturesi j (fi5trtNJtce&bulls/ Medical Stresa' Retags. turse '*stered in md so ax depann*nt. supp"y of itelrts rentjcoed A set ot tender iinQJiry may be purchase frcm ofcecqf frml SPPP.A,' The bids rrwst tedel&bullsered tcthsotceacccrdirg 10 belcwschedule, apered goblitüly in presente or oe ttei avMuzed l.atives v,tto choose toanendat onsarrodate. S.NO. LIST OF ITEMS BIO COMPLETION NAME OF ITEM SECURITY TIME 2. 4. i, Zas.atFunc Day today 4- Imo Supply of Mediices ic« Patients ai Thalassaemia Patents Scot"' Nanachah Eligibility:- Valid Registration tax & sales tax autorities. Method of procurerment&bull S"gl$ Stage Single envelop, Bidding Tender Docutrtént$t&bull&bull ISSuantec from date Of publication hOStjng to 0410&bull2024 on cash payment of tencer fee not refundable. Submjssjon be 09-10-2024 up to 11 Overing: 09-104024 at 12 CO In case fat declares i announce Publi: Hotlday the date Cd opening 04 tender. wil be opened on the next working day m same scheduaevN0 tercet will be issued on the date of opening. {a) Underfollowing conditions bid be rejected: Cmditgtal and teoegrapr.ic bid tenders. 3d not acmmoanied by bid secunty of required amount and torm. did cf black listed firms. Bid Validity Period Ninety Days, (c) Proo.lfing agercy resenes the to reject bids suuect to the proviSiOns Of S.jndh procurement Modical Superintendent j Convener IHWCJ Th&ssaemia Patient Welfare Society Nawatshah Oi:sthCt Shat&bulleed Bana?itabad c ewspaper ep, from Nation dated 22 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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