Punjab Highway Petrol Bahawalpur Tender Notice for Tender,Stationery,Computer Stationery,Printing Items,Cold Water,Other,Transports Repair,Machinery & Repair ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY PATROL TENDER NOTICE FOR THE YEAR, 2024-25 BAHAWALPUR REGION Punjab Highway Patrol, Bahawalpur invites E-Bids for purchase fprovision of Mics ltmestServices based Framework contract from Bidders i.e. finns, companies, suppliers, manufactures or authorized agents dealers distributers (JVs, if applicable} etc. engaged in trading, registered with relevant registration authorities and Tax Department Authorities (Income Tax, Sale Tax& Punjab Sale Tax etc.) through open competitive bidding (item wise basis) for the Financial Year 2024-2025 in following Head of Accounts: Sr.# Head of Accounts 2. 3. 4. 5. 6- 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9, 12, IY 14, Note: AIB901 - Statione A0395S - Com ter Staf A03902 - Ch & Cold Weather A113970-OOl - Others Lubricants A13001-Tran rtR air A1 3201 — Furniture & Fixture R air -Machin air TERMS & CONDITIONS Estimated Amount in PKR In Millions 0.6 0.1 0.8 1.5 0.2 0.5 Bid Security Amount in PKR (Jn Million 11,03 0.012 0.018 0,003 0,024 11,24 0.045 0.006 E-Bids Shall he on Monday 07.10.2024 at 12:00 PPRA Rules 30 (l) in presence Of bidders Of their tives All the procurement will be made by using electronic means through EPADS under Rules 12 of PPRA and section of Punjab Electronic Procurement Regulations 2022. The bidding documents containing all tertns & conditions, requirements, specification etc, can be downloaded online at PPRA EPADS website i.e http:opuniab.cproc.ureuovupk before closing date and time. Bidding doeurrcnts in accordance with Rules 25 (2) may be available immediately after thc date of publication undu Rules 25 frec of on PPRA website and EPADS in accordance with sub regulation-4 of Punjab Procurement Regulation 2022, In case of public holiday due to any reason, the date of receiving and in the tenders will be considered the next workin Each Item wise E-Bids shall comprvse a single package containvng Technical and Financial {inclusive of all taxes) and in complete conformity with Bidding Documents must be submitted 0d11ine on E-Procurernent System (E-PAD) Website as per following schedule: • a. E-Bid Submission Date & Time b. E-Bid Opening Date & Time Tender would be 07-10-2024 till 11:00 AM 07.10.2024 till PM of bidders cmtheitre tatives) The bidders Shall submit original bid security 3% Of timated cost cs mentioned in the table under Rules 27 Of PPRA 2014, Chapter V in an envelope clearly with bidding document number and title. It must be in shape of CDR/Bank guarantee Demand Draft Pay Order y scheduled bank in favour of office of the Superintendent of Police, Punjab Highway patrol, Bahawalpur Region, OSIBC, opposite Main Gate Baghdad-III-Jadeed Campus, IUB, Hasilpur Road. Bahawul ur. On acceptance of tenders, the bidders s performance guarantee under PPRA Rules 2014. Section 56, Chapter VII. @03% of the total value ofthe eontm form ofdeposit at call in the name office of the Superintendent of Police, Punjab Highway Patrol, Bahawalpur Regio huk No. 0StBC, opposite Main Gate Baghdad-ulJadeedCampus, IUB, Hasilpur Road* Bahawal r and draw the contract, IS, Performance Shall be refund on successful co letion Of the contract, The Superintendent of Polic*unjab Ilighway Patrol, Bahawalpur, Region Bahawalpur reserves the rights to reject all E-bids The procuring agency stutl!.upoh request communicate to any bidder, the ground for Its rejection of all E-bids or proposals but shall not be ired to those unds. The Tendering procesconditions will be as per Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 Section 38(2)(a) "Single Stage" "Two Envelope" as ex in E-Bidding documents technical sample•brochure etc. ofeach item shall be mandatory, which will be evaluated, J ncome.tSalcs registration certificate and Other documents as mentioned in E-Bidding dccuments must accompany the Technical Bids. Taxes will be deducted as Government rules. E-Bid validit will he till the closure or Financial Year i.e 30-06-2025 The t orders shall not exceed of the or' inal rocurement under rules 59 c iv The firm will have to vide 03 bank statement. The firm will have to vide 01 audit b an certified Chartered accountant. Late comers sh*lll not be allowed to ici le in the Tender Estimated Cost 13,1 Millions In ease of any difficulty in online subnission of E•Bids through E•Pads to technical issues. hard copies of sealed bids (Technical Financial may subqnittcd in this offlCC before deadline in wuth PPRA Rules -2014. (MUZAMMIL HUSSAIN) Superintendent of Police, Punjab Highway Patrol, Bahawalpur Region, Bahawalpur. c IPB-722 ewspaper ep, from Nation dated 22 September, 2024
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