Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Capital Development Authority #HumCDA CAPITAL IN"TATION TO BID CTB) FOR "CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION & MANAGEMENT OF FILLING STATIONS AND ANCILLARY FACILITIES AT SERVICE AREA ON MAJOR ROADS OF ISLAMABAD", PACKAGE-I "SITES FOR EAST AND WEST BOUND SERVICE AREA OPPOSITE LAKE VIEW PARK, MAIN MURREE ROAD, ISLAMABAD" FOR A PERIOD OF 20 YEARS EXTENDABLE FOR ANOTHER 05 YEARS ON MUTUAL CONSENT. Capital Development Authority (CDA) intends to offer interested OMC's (Oil Marketing Companies), Authorized Dealers of any OMC (having proof of established and running fuel stations) contracts for "CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION & MANAGEMENT OF FILLING STATIONS AND ANCILLARY FACILITIES AT SERVICE AREA ON MAJOR ROADS OF ISLAMABAD", PACKAGE-I "SITES FOR EAST AND WEST BOUND SERVICE AREA OPPOSITE LAKE VIEW PARK, MAIN MURREE ROAD, ISLAMABAD" for a period of 20 years extendable for another 05 years on mutual consent. The project is based upon an upfront payment of one time granted amount of Rs.244,934,022/- (non-refundable) on the day of signing of agreement with the successful bidder along-with a monthly rent which the successful bidder shall pay to the CDA in advance (by 05th of each month) from the date of start of operations" at project site in consideration of the right to utilize CDA land consisting of each site measuring 546 x 200' (1 2,133,33 Sq. yards) 20 Kanal (Total 40 kanal). INSTRUCTION FOR BIDDERS: Bid Form: This will single stage, two envelop bidding process, where following shall be submitted as part of the proposal Technical Envelop (Minimum Qualification will be 70%): - a. SECP/FBR Registration duly attested (5 Marks) b. Company Profile (10 Marks) c. Business Plan 5 Years (25 Marks) d. 3 YearsAudited Financial Statements (20 Marks) e. Technical Presentation (40 Marks) ii, Financial Envelop (sealed): A sealed envelop of quoted bid amount in PKR TERMS & CONDITIONS: • CDA will provide land free from all encumbrances forthe establishment of filling station and ancillaryfacilities. • CDA will provide a concession period (no rent will be arged) of maximum 2 years or completion of site (63 whichever is earlier. The time period for this contract will be 20 years and extendable for a period of another 05 (five) years on mutual consent. • The successful bidder shall Construct, Operate & Manage the filling stations and ancillary facilities at specified area at its own cost. The cost for construction of facilities shall be borne by the concessionaire. • On completion of contract period the concessionaire shall handov iteto CDAon 30th ofthe last month oftheir term. • The entire construction/established amenities will becom p (W of CDA and the concessionaire will hand overall of the amenities/installationstoCDA ina properly a ined and in fully operational condition, PAYMENT TERMS: • The successful bidder shall deposit the on -ti upfront payment amount of Rs.244,934,022/- (non- refundable) on the day of signing of agreement. • The successful bidder shall depositthe quo nthly rent (in form of pay order or bank deposit) and payable to date of start of "operations" at project site in consideration of the CDA in advance (by 5th of each month) f right to utilize CDA land. • There will an annual rental increme!l f % applied on start of each year from date of singing of the contract. Bid Security: Each bidder shall fulfiistå before the closing date and time in the Office of Director General Resource Wing, Room No. 1 30, Block-V, cyrman Office, CDN G-7/4, Islamabad, as part of its Technical Proposal, a Proposal Security in PKR of an amou t@ßs. (Ten million rupees only), in shape of deposit at call or pay order. Bid security of unsuccessf •cider shall be returned within 7 working days, NOTE: • The bidders unsubstantiated and/or incorrect information are liable to legal action and disq ualification. • The Authority reserves the right to reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid in accordance with PPRA's Rules 2004 (as amended in 2021 • All firms are advised to get EPADS (PPRA) registration at immediately, as manual bid/ proposal/application (hard copy) will not be accepted, without uploading on EPADS. BID SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Submission Format: Submission Deadline: Submission Address: Contact Person: Physical and Online Submission on EPADS On or before October 8, 2024 till 1100 HRS. This advertisement is also available on PPRA Website at Room No, 1 30, Block-V, Chairman Office, CDA, G-7/4, Islamabad. Mr. Abdul Razzaq DG Resource, CDA 051-925-3010 Email: [email protected] Mr. Abdul Razzaq Director General (Resource) CDA Secretariat, Sector G-7/4, Islamabad-Pakistan, Tel: +92-51-9253010 O Newspaper ( 22 Sep, 2024) from Aaj dated 22 September, 2024
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