Trade Development Authority Of Pakistan Karachi Tender Notice for Tender,Flagship Event,Event Management Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION PRE-QUALIFICATION OF PR & MARKETING COMPANIES FOR TDAP FLAGSHIP EVENTS The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan invites documents from Marketing Companies to provide end-to-end solutions for PR & Marketing of TDAP flagship events. 2. Bidding documents containing terms and conditions, method of procurement, the procedure for submission of pre-qualification etc. are available for the interested bidders on EPADS portal ( The interested firms may submit the documents with a non-refundable tend rfee of PKR. 10,000/- in shape of pay order / demand draft in the name of "TDAP'. n case, if bids are submitted online, the same fee will be charged. 3. Interested firms/vendors are als irected to provide valid proof and documents showing registration of the firms/ q, dors with FBR for GST, and NTN in relevant category. The firms/vendors mu e active for sales tax and income tax. 4. Sealed Envelopes, prepared In accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents must be uploade n EPADS and must also reach, even ones mailed through courier, at the o Ice of the Deputy Manager (IT), Trade Development Authority of Pakistan q!sthe address given below on October 07, 2024 at 2:00 pm. The pre-qualificatiotdocuments will be opened on the same day at 2:30 pm. The bids not uploaded on EPADS will be disqualified. 5. Trade Development Authority of Pakistan reserves the right to reject any or all bids, alter or modify the pre-qualification criterion and to annul the bidding process at any time in accordance with Public Procurement Rules without assigning any reason. c ewspaper Asadullah Qureshi, Deputy Manager (IT) Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), 5th floor, block A, FTC Building, Karachi. Email: [email protected] ep, from Businessrecorder dated 22 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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