Public Sector Organization Islamabad Tender Notice (3) for Purchase Of Under Specification Items ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE NO. Oi124 A public sector orgenuaticn invites seared tender the manufacturer potential suppleerstfrvtts regi%toted *'lth sales tax department having their own office With to*ep/mone nurnoer and sales tax registratton number f0t the putchase of under specification item 3, 2. Description Ltquid Oxygen putit¯y 99.9% Commercial Industrial Crede be e on FO u tta Road Sid in tanker havin a aci required quantitv Qasis. The validity period Of Qty. 240 M. Ton 0 M w rom Dera hazi Khan r m n h or as and e should be 90 days fram the date 01 opemng of tender earnest money equal to tatai value of order oe in a sep;ajete a ong with quotation in the shape of call deposit in favoue of Pr. Accounts Ofticer, P O. x No. t, O G Khan rates witl be considered inclusive 01' OST othervnse G envoned separatelV The uotation sh I ach in tSis Office u to 24 at 14•.00 ours t t 4: o o the presence of those who so desire to padicrpete. lhe tender re d after • due dato and time rot entertained. Quotation ve to the Head (Procurementi. P.O. Box No.2. lender shouid sent Registered or any ot the authotizee cootie' services The Deta Chaz! Khan arked as Tender Nor(llt24 due atL03-lO-2024 on upper left corner, envelope should must be pgtnted on company letter head in pnnting form un-ambiguous 4. The q The competent authority reserves the right accept or rejecl any all the quotations. In case o! closedjforced holidays. tender opening time,'date will be considered as the next official vs'0ding day, The advertisement is also available ih PPRA websile Head (Procurement), p10. BOX NO.2. Dera Ghazi Khan Ph, No. Fax Na.O€4-92é1028-30 c ewspaper ep, from Fppra dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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