Pakistan Airports Authority Karachi Tender Notice for Dvelopment Of Works For Operationalization Of Kitchen ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (PAA) NOTICE INVITING TENDER 1. Tenders in sealed envelope are hereby invited 10t the f0110Wing work by the undersigned trom contractors having updated PEC registration in category C-6 or above with specialization code ICE-10) along with NTN Certificate Professional Tax Certificate, Name ot Work DEVELOPMENT OF WORKS FOR OPERATIONALIZATION OF KITCHEN AT A.O MESS AT JIAP. KARACHI Terms & Conditions: Bid Security RS. 100,000/- Tender COSt Oate and Time Submission Date and Time Opening tt:30AM 2. The tenders can be purchased on any upto one day before tender opening from the office of the Divisional Engineer ES Civil-II, JIAP during Office hours on payment Of prescribed tender cost (non-refundable) against Pay Order / Bank Challan drawn of "Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority", Karachi. 3. Tender shall be issued to the owner/ groaetor 01 the firm having CNIC or duly authonzed representative ot the firm company on production ot firm eyments along with affidavits 01 ownership No blacklisting / No litigation. 4. Bid Security amounting to Rs, 100;bOOÅin the Shape Of Pay order I Bank Draft Of any SChedLlle Bank drawn in favour Of "Pakistan Civil AviationAuthority" should be submitted along with the tenders in sealed envelope. Tender supported without regwt?d bid security would not be entertained. 5. No tender will be sold by postbron the date fixed laropening of tenders. PAA reserves all rights to acceptor reject any or all the tenders sufficient and cogent reasons which will be communicated to the bidderon request 6. The pay order/ eam oney of bidders will be retained till finalization Of tender. 7. The bidis basedon ing e-Stage, One-Envelope, asper PPRAruleN03fi Aandthernethodofevaluation isbased on least cost. Warning:- Pay orders Bank Drafts, any Other financial instruments or any document submitted by Bidders, Contractors as Tender Cost Earnest Money Bid Security, Bank Guarantees and expeTience certificate etc. if found take or dishonored by issuing bank/ financial institution at any Pre / Post contract stage of the case. would call tor blacklisting and legal action against the firm and the owner 01 the firm as per law ot the land. PIO.K.@B6/24 Divisional Engineer ES Civil-II PAA Jinnah Annexe, JIAP, Karachi TEL :021-99072854 from Nation dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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