Drugs Testing Laboratory Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Provision Of Drinking And Domestic Water ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICES GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB DRUGS TESTING LABORATORY RAWALPINDI Drugs Testing Laboratory Rawalpindi invites E-Bids on EPADS h s:/'c rocure. ov- Vendors on EPADS (Supplier/Firm/COmpany/Distributor) having established credent Capabilities on *DDP basis as per Specification details given in the Standard Biddin for 2024-25 from Concerned Registered s of Technical, Financial & Managerial Sr. Tender Title ent. Closing Date & Time Opening Date & Time 08-10-2024 12:00 08-10-2024 12:30 l. Framework Contract for Provision of Drinking and Domestic. ater• Bidding document can be downloaded ht s:" rocure. ov. document are also available on PPRA website www. ra. gs esting Laboratory Rawalpindi Free of Cost. The bidding The original financial instrument i.e. 2% bid security of the estimated amount in the form of CDR/Bank guarantee, in the name of The Director Drugs Testing Laboratory Rawalpindi m Äbmitted physically in the office; and details are requtred to be uploaded on EPADS before the closing date & time E•Bidding will be conducted through open comp gle Stage-Two Envelope bidding procedure, as per Rule of Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 (amended to da The Interested bidders are required to submi Financtal Bid) on EPADS before the Closmg of bid. r njab Procurement Regulations 2024. id (Technical Bid along With documents necessary for qualification & da as tabulated above & there is no need to submit hard copy for fulfilment The E•Bids uploaded till stipulated time on EPADS will be opened on thc same closing date and time stipålated by the procuring agency, in the presence of ers,or their representative, who opt to be present. (attendance will be marked on EPADS). A Pre•Bid meeting will be held in the of the Director, Drugs Testing Laboratory Rawalpindi to address any query of bidders 's•iWwriting). Pre•bid meeting date and time is mentioned in concerned bidding documents. (subject to questionsiquerics recei All other terms & conditions.kmentioned in the bidding document, and will be part of the contract and proceedings. The e- procurement process shall be governed under the Punjab Procurement Regulations 2024 and Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 (amended to date). The venue for opening.p is Conference Room of Drugs Testing Laboratory, Rawalpindi Hayal Sharif, Dhamial Road Near Bank Colony R:nvalpindi in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who may wish to attend In case the date of opcninÅ is declared as public holiday by the government or non-working day due to any reason, the next official working day shafbedeemed to be the date of opening of proposals accordingly. The time and venue shall remain the same. The items shall be delivered / inspected at Drugs Testing Laboratory, Rawalpindi Hayal Sharif, Dhamial Road Near Bank Colony, Rawal indi- DIRECTOR, DRUGS TESTING LABORATORY RAWALPINDI IIAYAL SHARIF, DIIAMIAL ROAD NEAR BANK COLONY, RAWALPINDI 051-9334398-9 & 0333-5294547 O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
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