District Council Muzaffargarh Tender Notice for Provision Of Machinery Equipment ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2, 3. 6, 7. 9, 10. 'J,'ily/ newly Joi'il by bigl in / in of Joint Authority" All WINO Willi in vejlJ witli can in L. "fio their 00 by on website eligihle category participate in Bidding detailed & Condillrvm the bidding process respective cat) downloaded from fiecorc0%t, 'Ille bid prepared in accordance with thc inslru respective procure'ncnl activity's Bidding J)ocunaen be submitted a! by or P.M hours PST on lhe closing date for respcet' activity above. The bids Will be opened 01 hours PSI' on 4 for respective@roeurcmvnt activity in the presence hidden' representiflives shall choug;to'bttend the bids" ogwninv wssion so he held in Office 01' the District Counsil. ease lhe luwesl bid bid will bc more than 5% below of DNIT of the vwrk, the lowest b' be bound to deposit the between thc bid & estimated cost as ate by the bidder as quality assurance security in shape of Call Dép Receipt (CHIC) from Schedule within 1 5 days uficr opening 'LeÅdeifBid, Bidder Will have to upload the copy Of Bid security on 'ADS & will submil the original CDR in thc oflicc of undersigned c using date time; tender the bidder will Stund cunc and will bc considered as non-respvclive, false information, rake CIDR, rake Deposit Slip, the contractor will be liable to disqualify as pet Rules and will not he eligible 10 participate in upcoming tenders of District Council Muzaffargarh, Further his case will be forwarded 10 PEC and PPRA ror initiation of strict legal action. The Authority reject all bids at any time prior to the approval / acceptance orthe Tender Rates. When letlcr is issued to the successfill contructor„ lue has to make agreement Willi department Slamp paper value specified by Govcrruncnt within day Issuance of Work Order. Bidding document is available on PPRA Punjab website. Bid for each machinery / equipment menuoned below should be submitted O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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