District Council Muzaffargarh Tender Notice (2) for Provision Of Machinery,Equipments,Loader Auto,Tractor ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF COUNCIL INVITATION OF to Jot OJ / (i ej l.sadct Illmle in need Affllv•nilY "Suihru J'uojal' Programme". shall be in line will' "Single Single Envelope'* 2014 and is bidders, bid" be by a bid security ot required i" the form Of Cl'f•t Pay from scheduled bank in in favor or Joini District Council All who are registered with PPRA./E-PADS can partieipæte ill open Procuremenr ptgccdurc will strictly bc adopted in PIERA Rules. 2014 (amended up to date). Coatlractots eon participate in E. Tendering after following terms & conditions: 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 10, Coauraetors'pudicipaiing firms / may register their firms on website of Govt. Punjab by submitting requisite information. After rceislralion E-PADS website Contractors ofeligiblQ category may participate in E-Teodcring» Separate Bidding Document containing detailed Terrns & Conditions of the downloaded from bidding process or respective can free ofcost. 'The bid prepared accordance with the ins procurement activity's Bidding Document tianed in the respective be submitted e•PADS at (https•j/ljuniab-eprocurc; by or P.M hours PST on the closing / togurement activity mcqltioncd above. date hours PST through e-PADS on 'Ihe bids will be at for respective representatives who shall cho rement activity in thc presence or bidders$ the bids' opening session so be beld in office Of due District Council M04åffargarh. In case the lowest bidder Wit"! bid will be more than 5% below of DNIT Of the be bound to deposit the difference between the bid & the lovæst bid estimated as of Call De opening of T ted by the bidder as quality assurance security in Receipt {CDR} from Schedule Bank within IS days after Bidder will have to upload the scanned copy of Bid security on & will submit origirul CDR in the oflice of undersigned Eng date and lime; otherwise the tender Of the bidder will Stand by or ber cance In ca will be considered as non-respeetive- false information, fake CDR. fake Deposit Slip. the contractor "Vill be disqutlify as per PPRA Rules and will not be eligible 10 participate in upcoming tenders Of District Council Muzaffargari). Further his case will bc foruarded to PEC and PPRÅ for initiation Ofsttict legal action, The Competent Authority may reject all bids at any time prior to the approval acceptance of the Tender Rates. When acceptance letter is issued to lhe stitcessful contractor, he leas to make thc agreement with department on stamp paper of value specified by Government within one day for issuance of Work Order. Bidding document is also available PPRA Punjab website. Bid for each machinery equipment litems mentioned below should be submitted from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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