Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority Jauharabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Hiring Of Security Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TECHNICAL LOUCAT'ON & VOCATIONAL AUTHORITY Govt. College Of Technology Jauharabad ENDER NOTICE Technical Education & Vocational Traininz Authority ITEVTAJ is fogmed to enhance global competiti&bullyeness in Punjab, thtouth quality and productive by developing demand droenv standardized. dynamic and integrated technical education and vocational training services. TEVTA intends to d0d eueetiveness in its procedures while fulfilling requitements Vocational Training invites sealed bids for procurement/Provision o' Security services (outsource Basis) from the sales RCEi%tered companies With NTN Number & valid from Home Department Govt. of the Punjab. at College of Technology, lauharab,ad OiStrEct Khushab. For the iod to jvne&bull20ZS Qty Of WOfk PROVISION Of SECURITY Ouw [Pet person SERVICES (outsource greater than IZ Hours) &bullpe' perscn Quote Reqweed. 9 Month Estimated Budget Amount 1700000/- 34000 S 6 7 8 9 The Tender Notice / of cost after date g' evilicatiorvu.gloadir. PPRA/E&bullPåds. The must be GST/PRA & NIN Registered also have incorporation certificate SECP. valid NOC Home aepartment Govt. Of the Pun 'ln,case of egerrtptio:n, proof should accompany the tenuer, renders will be received only through E.,pads to 11:00 AM and tenders be opened on at 11:30 AM in presence of procurement committee and bidders who may choose present in .n person or Viia&bull.ißhtheir authorued representative. 'The Wi II be the Si TWO rot: edute in r dance With Rule Of Punjab Procure&bullm.n't Rules 201 Bids/ Rates must be per guard per month of all applicable under rules, Payment will be made on monthly basisthrough cross cheque atter deduction of all types Of and duties as per prevailirfB rates. &yment Will bC released subject Sfactory report of estate & Security Officer of the institute- Procurement &ency may number of secunty Guards in Future as requirement The competent authority mayateieci bid, or proposal, at any time prior to the acceptance of bid OT proposal as per Rule 350f Punjab Procurement Rubes 2014. 10 The earnest money @ Rs.2% of the estimated amount must be submitted through online - in the Shape d DO/PO/COR in the of "PRINCIPAL GOVT. COLLEGE Of TECHNOLOGY JAUHARABAD" full amount of perfo«mance security of contract must be submitted before agreement. If Successful bidder do not submitted performance security within ot oi contract, the contract be awarded to the bidder and his COR be forfeited. 12 Attested cppiesol Income Tay, Sales Tai / PRA regiftratlon, Certificate of Incorporation Power ot Attoroewon stamp paper (in case of Authorized representative only) and valid NOC Homeoenartment Govt- of The Punjab must be attached with the tender documents. 13 10 caseofany query or information, contact go telephone Nov 0454-920069 are advised to ensure uploading the Bid on t-PAOS well before the deadline. Bid submission on E&bullPAOS Portal shall entirely be the responsibility Of the bidder. GCT College Shall not be held respomible for issues ttkteof. BIOOERS ARE ADVISCO TO PROPERLY REAO ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAR#ULLY PRINCIPAL, COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY JAUHARABAD suøwrnNG ectinolo$i' c ewspaper NO. 0454-920069 ep, from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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