Rawalpindi Women University Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Stationery Items ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Section-I: Invitation to Bids 1.1 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Rawalpindi Women University (RWU) invites sealed bids from reputable firms, registered with relevant Registration Authorities and Tax Departments for Income Tax and Sales Tax purpose with acUve taxpayer prone and having adequate experience for supply of below mentioned item(s). Bids shall be receivedjprocessed on bidding procedure. Sr. I Procurement of Stationery Items Coet Bld Rs. 2.95 million Rs. 59,000 Bidding Documents are immediately available w.e.f. the date of publication and can be downloaded free of cost from websites of Rawalpindi Women University ( and PPRA ( Bidding documents can also be purchased during office hours on submission of a written request on company's letter head upon payment of tender fee of Rs. 1,mO/- (Non- Refundable), in the form of Pay Order/Demand D CDR in favor of Rewalplndi Women UniveniW. [FTN/NTN: 9022136-5) Bldg must be accompanied by a Bld SecurIW (in the form of CDR/Demand Draft/Pay Order), in favor of Rawdphdi Women UniversIW Sealed bids (prepared in conformity.w Winstructions of bidding documents) we later than 10:30AM ON e.0CT-2024. should reach to the addressee belo Bids shall be opened on the same-a in the presence of bidders or their representatives, who to be present, having a valid authority letter from their respective o anization. University shall not be responsible for delays & non delivery caused by courier firms/post office etc. regarding issuance of bidding document & receiving of bids etc. In the case of an official holiday on the day of submission, the next day will be treated as closing datel The University Management may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of id, as provided under Rule-35 of Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. Director Purchase & Store Room No, 246, es 8100k, Womam Unlver81W Road, SaWIite Town. Rawalplndl Ph: 051-0201646 O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
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