Punjab Irrigation Department Lahore Tender Notice for Provision Of Running & Maintenance ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 1. Sr. 2 3 2. 3. 4. PUNJAB IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT E-TENDER NOTICE Tenders for the following work are invited under the Single Stage&mdashOne Envelope bidding procedure from engineering firms contractors licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council with the respective CE&bull04 code and enlisted with Irrigation Department in respective category, on an item rate basis under the 2nd Bi&bullAnnual Market Rate System ( 1 gt July, 2024 to 31ST December, 2024} for District Sheikhupura / Lahore as per the PPRA e&bullTendering System / e-Punjab Acquisition and Disposal System (EPADS), in accordance with the relevant PPRA Rules, 2014 (amended to date) Name Of Work E stirrtate Sanctioned NO. Running and Maintaining WWT pump at xerq CKE LHR NO Sh,arvmar pumping StatiOd1 1497 IO-WBIR of BRBO Canal at Dated: 09-00-2024 during 2024-2025. Running and Maintaining Pump NO. 1 CKB L GOhawa PLjmp&bullirtg Station 1509 10-w af ERBO Link Canal at Oated: 12 RD&bullZ37+ IOO/'R during 2024-2025. Running and Maintaining WWT pump NO.2 at Estimated Cost 5ß1149 505812 Earnest Money I Bid security of the Estimated Cost 29500 29500 4 LHR NO Tehra 122 10-WBOR Pump:irtg Station a: BREO 14-00-2024 Link Canal dutir&bull.g 2024- 2025. I firms must be registered with Punjab PPRA The contra at www.ppra Any information or procedures regarding the registration accessed from the EPADS website: process Only co ctors/ firms registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC} with the specialization code CE&bull04, enlisted with Irrigation Departrnent and the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) are eligible to participate in the tendering process. The Tender Notice and Bidding Documents containing detailed requirements. terms and conditions are available to registered bidders on EPADS at www.punjab.eprocure and the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA} website at www ppra.punjab, free of cost. page 1 of 3 O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
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