Punjab Highway Department Dera Ismail Khan Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** The tender. for the following achemen are Invited from Engineering nrrng/contructorg on the item rates as PPR,A E&bullTCttdering syatern, Inline with rclcvunt PPM Rule (nmended up to dateJ. According to these Rules, all the nrme/controetorø can partlclpnte in tendering procen with following terme and conditions,' &bull l. The Intending Contractors/ Firmo who have been reglatered with Pakistan Englnecr&bulltng Council in the relevant category/ codes may participate. 2. Thc Contractor./Pirrn. hog to registered on onra Any intormaUon/ procedure regarding regfotration can be seen/obtained from website 3. All intending contractors/ firms have to upload the earne.t money in the form or CDR in favour of the bcecutive Enginccr Highways Division Rahim Yar Khan @ 2% Of the cstjmatcd/ bid cost and fill rates against items of work on the same website upto half hour before the ot*ning date and time of CFIing Of tender However, original COR has to be submitted to the tender Of*ning committee on the same day, half hour before the orxnlng Of bids otherwise. the firm/ contractor will be disqualified in presence of tender committee. 4. After filling the bids on website. contractors may attend the office of Commissioner Bahawalpur Division Bahawalpur on 09/10/2024 &bullt 711:00 AM, where all bids will be retrieved and quoted rates/successful bidder &bullvill be announced in the presence of Tender Opening Committee, 5- tn case of submission of any fake information/document such as CDR/receipti the Contractor/Firm Will disqualified from the cu tenderirtg procedure and will be black listed to participate in any tendering process Of C&W Department. Further recommendation to PPRA and PEC wilJ also made against such firm/conttactor for appropriate action/ black listing. 6. The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposal at any time prior to acceptance of a Bid or under PPRA Rule-35 (Rejection of Bids), 7. Recovery against credit Of Old material WII] be adjusted manually and accordingly bids will be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O evaluated. Name ot Work CONSTRUCTION OF METALLED ROAD FROM BASTI TOWARDS BASTI MANZOOR SAMEIA LENGTH 3.70 KM REHABILITATION OF JDW.ADAM WAU ROAD FROM READ DALUS 70 RAMZAN PUMP (TROLLEY PARKING SIDE) LENGTH: 2.S]KM REHABILITATION RECONSTRUCTION OF METALLED ROAD FROM AHMAD W Tow,qaos NO.. LENGTH, KM CONSTRUCTION OF METAL CHA* LENGTH07ö LINK) T.SN0. Date N Ptg SP1g lecemu SEB/'/P 1609.2074 dt:: tß09,2024 E.ENo.7BA- 861 we dated 16.09.2024 2024) pie tlon Months 06-Mont.hs 06-MonthS 04-Months 04 -Months 04-MonthS 06-Months 04-Months 06 -Months Estimated Cost/ Earnest 10,S3S00/. J .89.66.oocu- 3179320/- QOQ/. OF META ED FROM MAIN ROAD CHAKAOISO/P TO LENGTU: REHABILITATION / NE-CONSTRUCTION OF METALLED ROAD FROM CELAX N0146/P'ROAD TO DERA AKM.,q, WITE LENGTH:IOO REHABILITATION CARPETING OF METALLED ROAD FROM JDW AIRPORT ROAD TO BANGLA ICMA ROAD VIA POST OFFICE LENGTHt41S REHABILITATION / RE.CONSTRt1CTtON OF METALLED ROAD FROM SHAHBAZ POR ROAD (MUHAMMAD POR LAMMA) TO ROT FAQEERA LENGTHO.4S XM CONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION OF METALLED ROAD FROM CHAK NOSI/P Newspaper (21 Sep, Opening Date & Time 09.10.2024 11.00 AM 09.10.2024 11,00 AM 09.10.2024 11.00 AM 09.10.2024 09.10.2024 11.00 AM 09.10.2024 11.00 AM 09.102024 11.00 AM 09.102024 11.00 AM 09.10.2024 11.00 AM from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
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