Municipal Committee Haroonabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2. 3. MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE HAROONABAD TENDER NOTICE Seehx:l tenders based on MPS Annual 202405 larnertdéd upto date of receipt of tenders) are fcy the work under for the year 2024-25 from the contracttvs / firms enl%ted rules, 2017. Tender document can be obtained from the office of the Municipal Cornmattee Harmr»abad from oate Of advertisernent against written request accompanied With the attested comes of enltstrnent up to date renewal letter with fee receipt. PEC license in original for the year 2024-25, registered power of attorney cn Rs.500 stamp paver from the authorized firm, identity card of contractor / Partner of the firm and an payment of prescribed. TOr.der fee (Rs. 3000/- Per Bid}, Tender rate and amount should be filed in figure as well as in vords arvd tenders should be segned as per general directions given in the tende dccurnents. No rebate on tender rates will be acceptable. Tender be issued ard received in the office of Municipal Committee Hatoanabad wall opened O}" the Tender Opening Committee in the presence of intentfing contractcts ot thev authorized representatives an the following schedule: Date cf issuance of Tender 07-10-2024 in the office hOWS. Date & time for receipt of tenders pm Oate & time of opening oftenders 08-10-2024 at 130 PM Candltjcnal tenders and tenders not accompanied with earnest money at the rate of 5% of Estimated Cast in shape of CDR from schedule bank and attested of registered partnership deed / power af attorney Wili rnt be entertained. 6. Any information detail Of works regarding the office cf MO(JEAS) Municipal Committee Haroona mentioned below can be obtained frccn the 7. Successful bidder vahose bid iS more flan 5%tbel of the estimated cost of the works wi'l have to deptbit additional performance security upto.IO%of t:elmv rates within 15 dat/S of acceptance cf tender. Fatlure to do so shall result in the cancellatioö,of-tender and fOrfeiture of earnest money. The tender can be perused PPRA website. • The procuring agency ect all bids ct proposals any time prior to the acceptance of bids however, the prcÉ:uripg agency shall on cpen request ccmmunicate to any bidder, the grounds for its rejEtiorj; but stull nat be required to justify those grounds, In case of arty crencal mistake the•tender will be received as per PPP.A Rules 2014 Rates will be quoted the contractor at percentage items rates basis. Original pocuments will have to be produced at the time of tt-* issuance of tender docurnent •to,intendvng •contractors , In case any typing mistake if noted, the anginal document be referred. Subdetting'i5 not allc.ved. Contract will be cancelled and company will be blacklisted if Sr. 1 O is proved ater award cf work. Name of Scheme N & REPAIR OF MANHOLE COVERS, FRAMES RCC SLAB IN MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE HAROONA8AO. (Muha mad Imran) CHIEF OFFICER Municipal Committee Haroonabad Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) Estimate Cost E/Money Million 2.6285 Comp/.• time As per work order (Muham ad Kifayatullah) ADMINISTRATOR Municipal Committee Haroonabad from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
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