Entomological Research Institute Faisalabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Regulations,Fertilizers ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TENDER NOTICE No. 1558/2024-25 Entomological Research Institute, Faisalabad invites sealed bids based on the Punjåb Procurements Rules 2014 as well as Punjab Procurements Regulations 2024, from well-reputed and financially sound firrns having previous experience in specific field as well as registered with Income Tax, Sales Tax and Punjab Sales Tax Departments etc. (where applicable) on framework contract for the purchase Of following for the cu financial year 2024-25 (up-till 30406.2025), Sr.* 01 Head ofAccount Fertilizers Total Estimated Cost Bid Security (3%) 1 oooooo Rs. Rs. 30,000/- An e-bid Of proposal shall be submitted on the e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System (EPADS) softq•are in the manner or method specified in the advertisement before closing date i.e. 08.10.2024 for submission Of such e-bid or proposal. Interested eligible bidders may download bidding documents from e-pads as well as PPRA website and further information can be obtain from the office Of the undersigned. Bids are to be addressed to the Chief Scientist. Entomological Research Institute, Faisalabad received both electronicallv on e-PADS and phv.sicnlls• (hard eopv• in the manner soecified in bidding documentsl bv 08.10.2024 at 10:00 A.M and shall be onened at 10:30 A.M. on the same dav- in lhe office Of undersigned (In case Of ic holiday, the next working day shall be considered). The bids shall be received under "Single Stage Envelop bidding procedure"' as contained in (he Punjab Pitjcurement Rules 2014 as we]LasPunjab Procurements Regulations-2024. All the rates should be exclusive Of GST and Cup to 30406.2025. The mode Of submission Of bids shall be through E-PAD S as well as thro hard form. The bidders shall submit bid securityÄ3% Of the estimated costing in shape Of CDR Of any scheduled Bank in favour Of the undersigned. The bid security will be refunded after finalization Of the tenders. However, the succegul bidders shall deposit an amount equivalent to 6% Of guarantee in shape Of CDR Guarantee which the total value Of the eon shall be refunded on s fertilizers" store items The tender Notice completion Of the contract obligations. The delivery time Of be as per specified deadline in purchase order, available Bidding Dcktuments are ra. un•ab. v. on e-PADS. at PPRA's websli The authority es the right to reject all bids or proposals in line with prevailing rules and regulations. Chief Scientist, Entomological Research Institute, Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad — Pakistan Phone- .92 41 9201680 Fax: 419201681 Email: from Ppra dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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