Public Health Engineering Division Haripur Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Water Supply & Sanitation Schemes ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION HARIPUR NOTICE INVITING E.BIDDJNG (Single Stage single envelope E-Bidding System) PHE Division Haripur, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites electronic Bids from eligible firms/contractor in accordance with KPPRA procurement rules 2014 on Single Stage Single Envelope procedure for the following works with the Name Of Scheme ired relevant cate o of PEC. Estimated Bids Security 2% of E/Cost cost with S/ Duty CONSTRUCTION [REHABILITATION OF WATER SUPPLY & SANITATION SCHEMES IN TEHSIL & DISTRICT HARIPUR ADP NO.142/190557 12019-201 IRE-TENDER AT THE CONTRACTOR RISK & COST) 62900/- WATER SUPPLY SCHEME MOHRA MALYA MOHRI 2945000/- PIR BAKSH (B/WORK). CONSTN:/REHAB: OF WSS IN DISTRICT HARIPUR ADP NO.221/210108 (2022-23) IRE-TENDER AT THE CONTRACTOR RISK & COST) 42000/- 1900000/1 2. REHAB; OF WSS JATTJPIND (B/WORKI. NET HYDEL 2021-22 FOR TEHSIL GHAZI & DISTRICT HARIPUR (IRE-TENDER AT THE CONTRACTOR RISK & COST) 26000/ • 1100000/- 3- pcc WORK AT VILLAGE KUNDI UC KUNDI (B/WORKI- TERMS - Bidding documents including instructiprt bidders can be downloaded up to one day prior to the opening date from bitcååealth Engg; Department Website at the address www,phedkp, Last dare & time of submission f he CDR/Bid is 08-10-2024 at 12: Noon which will be opened on the same d a 12:30 P.M in the present of contractors or their 2, 4, 5. 6. 7. representatives, who opt to. 3. "Bid Security & Additi Notification bearin 2022/6058.71" rity is required to be deposited as per KPPRA 1-24/2021-22 dated the May, ne successful bidder having same rates, the decision will be In case of more presence of tender committee contractors. made on toss Bid entry f O, 3% of tender cost should be submitted separately in the form of ndableJ- CDR All bidd are required to be registered with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue established under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act. 2013 (Khyber Autho Pakhtunkhwa Act NOX-XI of 2013), for works, consulting and non-consulting services as listed in schedule-II of the Act bid. In case if the Government announces public holiday on the opening date of tender the same shall be opened on next working at the sarne timer c ewspaper IVE ENGINEER ep, from Kppra dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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