Local Government & Rural Development Department Peshawar Tender Notice for Repair and Maintenance Of Transformers In Contituency,Repair and Maintenance Of Transformers In Contituency,Repair and Maintenance Of Transformers In Contituency ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEAD QUARTER TEHSIL CITY DISTRICT PESHAWAR. NOTICE E.prpp!Nq Sealed tenders based on MRS — 2024 (1M Bi — Annual) Non MRS — items (Ot the belOw mentioned workg are hereby invited on the basis of SINGLE STAGE SINGLE ENV EWPE PROCEPURE from the government contractors registered with PEC and enlisted W'th C&W Department as pet central'zed Enlestrnent POI'CY of the Government Of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for cu financial year as per following schedule: SCHEMES OUT OF "REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF TRANSFORMERS" AS AGREED BY THE PROVINCIAL CABINET PK.81, DiStnct PK-82, Dnstnct PK.83, District SNO 1 2 3 4 Work Name Repair and Maintenance of Transformers in Constituency Peshawar. Repair and Maintenance of Transforrners in Constituency Repair and Maintenance of Transfornmers in Constituency Repair and Maintenance of Transformers in Constituency District Estimated Cost M 10.00 10.00 to-oo 10,00 Bid Security 200.0001. 200.000/J 200,000/- 200,000/- The financial bidding will be online through E-bidding system, Tender form and BOQ can be filled online and downloaded from the official website Of LGE&RDD ( affer one day of publishing NIT. The rast date and 11:30 AM, while the date and time of opening of til-ne Of submission of electronic tender form is 14th October, electronic bids is 14th October, 2024 at 0100 PM. The contractors quoting their bids up to a limit Of 10%ielow Engineer estimate shall submit bid security@2% 2. only Of Engineer Estimate in the shape Of original call deposits for the schemes in the narne of Assistant Director Senior, Local Government & Rural Development Department, Headquarter Tehsil Peshawar City. submit hard copy of the same printed electronic bid form to theOffice of the Assistant Director Senior. Local Government & Rural Development. Departrnent„ Bacha Khan Chowk*esnawar, For any query kindly contact this office during office timing on 091-9211722'091-9214722 or email at adlgpeshawaraqmaiLcomJ [email protected]. Only PESCO registered Contractors/ Firms Workshop are eligible to apply, 4. The eligible contractors/firms must have: Pakistan Engineering Council (PECL codes EE04 & EE05„ b. Inspectorate of Electricity. Energy &80werDepartment Khyber Pakhtunkhwa License in Category •e or •e 5, The contractors quoting theirbids more than below up to 20% below on Engineers' Estimate shall submit along with their bids 8% Additional Security of Engineers Estimated cost in addition to 2% bid security. Jf the bid is not accompanied with the required amoünt of additional securitij% then it will be considered as non-responsive and the 2% bid security shall be forfeitg."avor of Government and the second lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly. , quoting bid more than 20% below shall submit with his bid an additional security on 6. Similarly, a Engineers Estimated cost equal to the diffial amount of submitted bid and Engineers' Estimate along with detaüed rate analysis. In case•ofnore than 20% below bids, if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and / or required amount of additional security. then said bid shall be considered as nan-responsive. All the securities submitted along with such non-responsive bid shall be forfeited in favor Of Government and the lowest bidder and so on be considered accordingly, In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bids is. ih view of the Procunng Entity, not convincing, the Head ofthe Procuring EntiW may declare such bid as non-responsive without any forfeiture of bid securities and record reasons 8. The procuring entity may offer the contract to next lowest bidders after due diligence in the context of financial difference between such two bids or may advertise procurement opportunity afresh. 9. Printed Electronic bid (both Original & Duplicate copes} may be delivered through courier service. 10. The call deposits i.e. bid securiW for the work/ contract must be prepared after publishing of NIT, 11. The time for completion of scheme shall be as per work order The contractor or his representative can be present at time of opening of electronic bids opening. 12. In case of tie/ draw amongst the responsive bidders, the bid may be decided through free toss whi$) shall be (21 Sep, 2024) from Kppra dated 21 September, 2024
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