Local Government & Rural Development Department Peshawar Tender Notice (5) for Repair and Maintenance Of Transformers In Contituency,Repair and Maintenance Of Transformers In Contituency,Repair and Maintenance Of Transformers In Contituency ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TEHSIL MATHRA DISTRICT PESHAWAR NOTICE INVITING Sealed tenders based on IRRS &mdash 2024 Bi &mdash Amual) I NC&bulln MRS &mdash items the below mentioned works are hereby invited on the of ENVELOPE PROCEDURE from government registered PEC and enr.sted with C&VV Oepartrnent as per Centralized Enlistment Potry Of the Goverrgnent Ot Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for cu financial year as per lollowing schedule&bull SCHEMES OUT OF "REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF TRANSFORMERS" AS AGREED BY THE PROVINCIAL CABINET s.No 2 3 Work Name Repair and Maintenance ot Transformers Peshawar Repar and Maintenance of Transformers Peshawar Repair and Maintenance of Transformers Peshawar in Constituency PK,72 in Constituency PK-73 in Constituency PK&bull74 District District District Estimated Cost 10.00 1000 10,00 Bid Security 200.000'. 200.000B The financial bidding be cnliite through E-biddihg system- Tender form and BOO can be filled Ctiline and downloaded from 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. the official veb$ite Of LGä8ROO ( ater one day of publishing NIT. The last date and tine of submission of electronic tender fom is October, 2024 at 11 AM, while date and time o' operü,ng Ot etectroric bids is 14th October. 2024 Ot:C0 PM The contractors quoting theii bids up to a lignit of 10% be&bullow Engiheet estmate shall subrrgit bid security @ 2% only Of Engineer Estimate the shape of original call deposits for the schemes in Üle name of Assistant Director. Local Government & Rural Development Department, Tehsil Mathra. submit hard copy of the sæne pnnted electronic bid to the Office Ot the ASSiStant Oirector. Local Government Rural Development, Departn-ient. Charnkani dudhai Road. Peshawar. For any query kindly contact utiS Office durü1g office timing 00 091&bull2621055 or email at Orty PESCO registered Contractors Firms Workshops are The eligible contractors/firms must have: a- Pakistan Engineering Ccuncil (PECL codes EE04 & Inspecto«ate Ot Elecmcny. Energy & Power Department Khyber Pakhtk"'ikhwa License in Category or &bulle, The contractors quoting their bids more than below up to 20% beow Cfi Engineers Estimate shall subrrgil along &bullmth their bias 8% Additional Security of Engineers Estimatedost in additjon to 2% bid security. If the bid is not accompanied With the requred amount cf additional security, men it Will considered as ncn-respz&bullnsive and the 2% bid security Shal' be f01feited in favor Of Government and the second Io&bullwest bidder so co be considered acco(dingry. Similarly. a contractor. quoting bid more below shan subrnit with his bid an additional security on Engineers Estimated cost equal to the diffial amount Of subnitted bid and Engineers' Est't't»ate along With detääled rate analysis, In case of more than 20% bebttw bids. if the bid IS not accompanied by detailed rate analysis and I or required amount of additional security. then sajd bid Shall be considered as nm-responsive. All me securities along with suet non-respensive bid Shan be forfeited in favor Of Governrnent and the lowest biddet and so on WiB be considered In case detailed rate analysis submitted with me bids is. View Cf the Procuhng Entity. rtot cnnvineng, Ute Head Ofthe Procuring Entity may declare such bid as non-responsive without any forfeiture of bid securities and recetd reasons thereof, The procuring entity may offer the contract to next bowest bidders aner due Oligence in the context of financial differerte between such two bids may adverIiSe ptccuretnent opportunity afresh. Printed Electronic bid (both & Duplicate copies) may be delivered through courier service The ca' deposits i.e. bid security fet the work contract must be prepared anet publishing of NIT. The time for completion Of S&leme shal as per work orderL The contractor or his representative can present at time Of o' electronic bidS opening In case Of tie drawamjngst the responsive bidders, the bid may be decided through free toss whith Shall be considered as Any elearonic bidder &bullwho provides Else, or materially in.ccgnplete or do not send information in hard foa&bulln will be discwalified as per KPPRA Ad Section 29 read With KPPRA Rule (43). Furthermore. the ProcurU»g EntitY/ Agency recommend and sent cases for debarritV'BÄOdisting and wul ut'itiate take action in light ot approved procedure mechanism as per KPPRA Act section 29 (2) read KPPRA Rule (44). Bids will regnain vaEd 180 days fram the dosing date of bids. The firrnsjbntraaots Who wants to participate in tendering process may approach Directorate General LGA ROD Peshawar Within two days before C:bs.ülg time of electronic appty for uploading their names on me offtc:iäl website i A" bdders are required to be registered With Khyber Pakhtuühwa Revenue Auth0City (KPRA) under the Khyber PakhtLÄÅh&bullwa Finance 2013. 17. The PEC and KPRA registrabon Tax payeO must be valid for cu Finand±l Year attached the Electronic 18. Any addition made in Ute terms & conddjcnsin NIT advertised shan be O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) as pet Act & Rules. from Kppra dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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