Local Government & Rural Development Department Mardan Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Streets,Pavement,Drains,Retaining Wall,Culverts Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE QF THE ASSISTANT GOVERNMENT Sealed tenders ror thc below mentioned Scheme are hereby invited on the basis or single stage single envelope procedure from the government contractors registered with PEC in the relevant category and having registration enlistment renewal for the cu financial year ag per following schedule cost it Work Name Meet roe k deetronie AS per pave:Jnent. drain. retaining & at VC 0.70 Terms •od condition; 07-10-2024 07-10-2024 Work J J:OOAM 12:00 PM 1• The Financial through System form and BOQ Catt urid downloaded by the original contractor available the official website of LCi& ROD, OG Office Khyber rakhtuttk.hwa after onc duy 01 Publishing of NIT, 2' bidders are required to Electronie Bids online and attaeh Scan copy or Bid Security in shape ororiginal Call in the name Procuring Entity and submit hard eopy ofthe same printed electronic bid to thc concerned AD Office Mardan. 3— Sealed ds the time date the ofOpeaing of electronic bids opening. S• Bid Security (Or the publishing Of NIT. before closing time orthe Electronic bid apply. 6. contractors quoting their bids yp tea lunit of I below Enginccrestirnate shall submit Bid security@ 2% only of Enginee Estimate. 01. contractor quoting their bidS•tb'oic than 10% up to Engineer'S Estimate shall submit along With,their bids 8% Additional security of Engineer estimate in addition to 2% bid sccurity4 Ifthe bid is not accompanied with the required amount Of Additional security. then.lié'bid shall considered as rwjn-rcsponsivc and the 2% bid security shall be forftitcditl ofGovernment and the second lowest bidder and so on will considered bid more than 20% below shall submit with his bid an In case, a con additional scgug-ity Énginccrs Esti mated east equal to the d iffial o f submitted bidaod Engineer Estimate along wilh detailed ratc analysis. In ease ofmore than 20% below,bidS., ifthc bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and,' or rcquircd amount security. then Ihe bid shall be considered as Norm-responsive. All the securi.tie"ubmittcd along with such non•responsivc bid shall be forfeited in favor of Govcrrunent arvd thc second lowest bidder and so on will bc considered accordingly as Peshawar. May 2022. 09- detailed rate analysis submitted with thc bid is. in view Of the procuring entity, vincing. the Ileud Of the pneuringentity may declare such bid as non•responsive without forfeiture OT bid securities and recod reason thereof. The procuring entity rnay offcr thc contract to thc next lowest bidder after due diligence in the context or financial difference between such two bid' or may advertise procuring opportunity afresh. Notification May 10.2022) I l. Any Electronic bidder who provide filsc, or materially inaccurate incomplete or do rot send i" formation in will be as pct KPPRA Section 29(1) with KPPRA Rule Furtherrnore. the Precuring EntitY/Exccuting Agency will recommend and sent Debarring/BlackliSling and Will Lake in light Of KPPRA KPPRA Rule O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) from Kppra dated 21 September, 2024
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