Local Government & Rural Development Department Abbottabad Tender Notice for Construction Of Community Centre,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF TUE ASSISTANT DIRttcrotR LOCAL GOVERNM RURAL NOTICE INVITING TENDER arc invited with as per 'clitrali.Q@i S.So Name Of COLiitcil Catastr..•ction Center Maira 01 PIE at Mudni Chitta Pull, l.$v.•cr Matikpura t. '['endCT form fitted publishing N 't'iim• saluuilting tender er forms should be in downloading time and above, lhe securities shall be in Council. 3, The quoting security @ onlv sit in Village i toa litnil Ot- Estimate shall bid Estimate in shape in quotin•y ir bids up a limit below shall submil hid securt1V Qi' only Eslintaæ. contractors quoting bids below up to he along wilh their bids Additional Security of Estimated cee;t in addition security. the bid is not accompanied 'g he required additional securi•y. it uill considered as non- responsiw bid shall be ot second hia • nd ort uill considered accordingly, 5, Similar] quoting bid more than submit will' his bill an additional security on Engineer's liSlintated equal to dilli.•wauial of subtni1[Cd bid and Jiogjneers' Estimatc along wilh detailed rate than Iiids. the bid is not accun1FX111ied bv thc detailed rate aullysis f additional sc•curny. suid hid shall hc considered as nan-responsive. Ihe seeurifies submitted wilh such non-responsivc bid shall he in bidder and so on "Vill he eonsidcred accordingly case detailed rate submitted with lhe hills is. in view or convincing. [he ot" the Procuring Entity may declare such hid hid securities ancl record reus;ons O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) from Kppra dated 21 September, 2024
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