Local Government & Rural Development Department Abbottabad Tender Notice (2) for Retaining Walls,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF ASSISTANT LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT J)F.PARTMF.NT NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders hasctl on MR.S• 2024 hi-unnualj item for lhe below mcntiuncd works are hereby invited on thc basis from thc government contractors registered with I'V,C and enlisted with ('.48. W as Enlistment Po]ic.y orthe Govcrnmcnt 01' Khyber Pakhtunkhwa IOr the ctjrrclil financial • Earniest or Schemes Construction and PCC I)urveelu Road Retaining wall & FCC near Jamia Masjid Kutlli Village Kuttli (Phalk0L- Amount Million Jiaie Time or ting October 18,000.00 202,' - lime or opening.' tender ogth (k'tobcr 2024 12:00Pm roji' wnloaded lhe official website 01'1 'l'cnder fom can online NIT'. Tender l'orms he in hard aller (} publi.• 2. downloading it from online 'J'hc securities shall lx in Council. per lime and venue mentioned above. f call deposit in favor Concerned Village Nciglihourhood contractors quolinu hidh up to a limit of' IIVO below Engineer Estimate shall hid . gineer Eslirnale in shape ol'Cl)R in favor ol- VC Phakrjt-lll. securny @ 2% ling their hills up 10 a limit 01" JO'Y/, below lingineer Estimate shall submit bid contraclors 1 security @ contractors their hills morc than 10 f below ling inecrs• Estimate shall submit along With their bids Additional 'neineer-s COSI in addition to bid security. II' bid is nol . •ecuntv• accompanied will' lhe required amount 01' additional securi1Y, it will bc considered as non- responsive and the 2% hid security shall lye föl'léited in favor Government and the second hidder and so will he considered accordingly. 5. Sinihjrly. a contractor. quoting bid more than 20% below shall submil with his hid an additional security on Engineer's equal to the diffial amount submillL'd bid lingincers' Estimate along with detailed rate analysis. In case of more than 20% below bids. if the bid is not accornpanied by the detailed rale analysis and f' or required amount of additional security. lhen said hid shall he considered as non-responsivc- All thc securities subvnittcd with such nun-responsive hid shall be rorfeited in favor or Government and the 2nd lowest bidder } O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) from Kppra dated 21 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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