Director General Health Services Quetta Tender Notice for Auction Of Hiacf High Roof Seats,Purchase Of 14 Ambulances ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS AUCTION OF !IIACE EQOF SEATS OF VEHCIHLE FOR THE PROJECT "PURCHASE or 14 AMBULANCES WITH AMBULATORY ITEMS FOR VARIOUS HOSPITALS IN MALAKAND DIVISION INCLUDING 04 AMBULANCES FOR SAIDU GROUP OF TEACHING HOSPITALS SWAT UNDER USAID FUNDING THROUGH PARRSA" I. Additional Director General (Admn)/ Project Director "Purchase of 14 ambulances under the USAID funding through PaRRSA". KP, invites sealed offers from the interested parties for the disposal of seats of 14 Hiace High Roof 2024. 2. The items are lying in premises of Jamrud warehouse at CiWil Hospital near bab -e- Khyber District Khyber on an "As is where is basis". Interested bidder may visit the premises for disposal items during office hours. 3. Disposal/ Auction shall be conducted through Single Stage —one Envelopes Procedure as per KPPRA Rules-2014.The bidder offered highest bid will be declared as "SUCCESSFUL", and have to deposit 100% of the total offer price in form of CDR within Seven (07) working days after the receiving of work order. 4. The Bid must be accompanied with irrevocable Bid Security of Rs.50000/- (Fifty Thousand) in form of CDR in favor of the undersigned and Ordinary cheque and Payment Order (PO) in the fonn of bid security will result in disqualification of bidder as per KPPRA Act and Rules. The Bid Securit I be returned to the unsuccessful firm/company through request after collection f sposal seats by the successful bidder. 5. Seats collection to be undertaken by succeSSfy firm/company after full payment and the firm will remove and lift the items at the@vn safety, risk, cost and labour from premises within 07 working days. 6. Ifthe bidders have any queries, Egarding any item mentioned in the document, the same shall be communicated to the yndgrsigned at least 07 days prior to the date fixed for submission/opening of the quotations. 7. Interested Bidders must bmit' sealed bids on or before 11:30 AM sharp, Mondav. October 7th 2024 wh' (II be opened on the same day at 12:00 AM in the presence of those bidders or thei tatives, who choose to attend the process. Bid submitted after 1 1 30 AM shall not entertained. 8. Interested bidder? 'Can obtain the Disposal documents from the office of Procurement Cell at the Directorate-General Health Services, Old FATA Secretariat Warsak Road Peshawar during offic rson any working day till Monday. October 2024, These Documents may also ownloaded from the following official websites:,, and www.kppra„ 9. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the bids as per provisions contained in Rule 47 of KPPRA Rules 2014. Additi J t Director h of 14 Ambulances Directorate General Health Services Warsak Road Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 6 O Newspaper (21 Sep, 2024) from Kppra dated 21 September, 2024
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