Competition Commission Of Pakistan Islamabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Building,Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** g INVITATION FOR BIDS Competition Commission of Pakistan Creating a playing field The Cotroetdion Cotnmiss'on Of Pakistan ICCP) invites online/ electronic Technical Financial Bds on EPAOS from renowned Constructo•ß.t bidders having relevant license from Pakistan Engineering Council (PECL for the bewev project: Name of Work Constructijn Of Office Building 01 Cotnpotitjon Commission of Pax,stan (CCP), Plot NO. 36 38, Sector G•tOJ4, Mauve Area Islamabad (Ot Package-I (Civil. Electfbtal. Plumbing Fite Fighting Wor€sJ. Completion Period 730 calendar days Bid Security Rs. 12 Wli:on in Shape Ot Bank Guarantee Pay otd« onry, 1. 2, 3. 4, 5. 6. J, 8. 9, O The ConstructOtSi' bidders must be registered With toucrmng: a. EPADS at b, Pakistan Engineering Council in or above- C. income Sales Tam Departrnent. and d. Sha' be on Active Taxpayers List {ATL) ot Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). Electronic Bidding Oocurnents. containir9 detailed requirernents, terms and conditions, Method of Procurement, InstructiC*'1 to Bidders (1B) Bidding Data Eva:h.jatjon Critetia rot Ouatificat•on, Letter to Bid & Schedule to Bid. Standard Forms. Conditions of Contract, Specifications. Bill of Quantities and Drawings are available for interested registered Constructors,' bidders on EPAOS at [email protected] Bidding Documents can also be downloaded Iree 01 cost from websites of CCP or PPRA or on EPAOS at Please note that the prospective Constructors/' bidders must register a. Forregistraton on EPADS (http:J/e*•øk) or EPADS, prospective b;d'ders :nay cmta.Ct PPRA otContactat051-111. 137-237. Tho bid lormat based on Least Cost Method under Sir#ie at any tecrtruca difficulty in using 1st' FBC building sector G-5/2, Two Envelope ISSTE} Procedure ot Open Competitive Bidding Shan be adopted Rules, 2004 In terms ot Rute No. 48 ot Public with Clause 364b) of Pubbc 2004, Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) iS constituted the subject procurement "teation O' said GRC iS provided the website Of CCP (Å) and on EPAOS at Joint Venture Ws. DESIGNMEN Engineers Pvt. Limited. Ws. BerkOey Associates Pvt. L.ånited and Mis, Salman Mansur a•tspciates (JV DCE-BAL-SMA) has been appointed as Project Consultant the Engineer Of CCP reserves tho nght to in accordance with public procurement Rulo No. 33. A Pre-bid win be on 26th September 2024. at 1 AM in the CCP Office. 9th Floor (South). ISE Towers. Avenue. ISIamabäd. Tho Bids (Technical & Kiharicial Bids}. be prepared in accordance with the instructions provided in tho documents. be submitted on e-PADS through electronic means by gthXHOt*r, 2024. Loto 1103 AM. 3dS subfilitteer received after time and dato shall be Original must be subaütted to the below rne.ntbned address to online Of the bid. E Rifts without subfiliSSbt'1 Ot Bid Security it' favour Ot CCP WAI be Tec±nical shan opened on the date (9th October. 2024) at 11 AM. Bidders be •Post Qualified- on basis Of information provided with the proposals in the light Of Bidding Oocumorns, Bdders who fail to qualify tecrtnicany shar not be considered further in the procuren•.ont proceedings- All appbcabå@ Federauprovincial tames (inconte tax sages tax. etc.) must be included while preparing the Financial Proposals and aro required to bo built in quoted rates ard rot to be mentioned separately. C«v.ener 2023/2024 Newspaper ( 20 Sep, 2024) from Jang dated 20 September, 2024
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