Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Quetta Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Exe:utjveEngheet•, tr Execution Fcaowing Wares for rhe Year 2C24-2S Basec Composite Scr.ecuge Rates 2023 On Percentage Rates. Earnest MC•ney 2%in ooposit, Tenaet toe RS.20COt• and [Time limit 12 Montt'S work. SNO. Name ofwork CCNSTRLCTICNOFB,IROAOANDSIOEORAJNATKUIGULZARABADWESTERN 2 3 4 6. 10 12 13 16 CC+'STROCTICNOFBIT KPAN.WÅHOAT COLONY."LATSTREET.HUOOAPB430iSTRBCT PSOP.Nö,1440.za024-0547 TSE.242S09SS1563 1.16 PSOP CCNSTROCTICNOFRO.ADSEVERAGEUNE TUFFTILESANOPCCSTREETS ATOURRANISTREET,SHAHZAWANROADTAREENSTREETARBABKARAM PSOPNO.1S30Z2024-0548 TSE.2425C9S51EöJ OF KHAN DISTRICT PSOPNO.I ROAD ZZ024-0190TSE.242SCGSS1?S3 CCNSTUCTIONOF KILLIPAAOKHANOUETTA.PSOPNO.1m.Z2024D291TSE.2US09SS1773 CCNSTRlJCTlCNOFBflROAOSAROARKAREZROAO.PSOPNO,1789 PSOP CONSTRUCTICNOFB,'TROADANDSIOEORAINATKILUPARVAIZACHAKZÅ] 24.761M 19.966M 25257 u 19.307M 19.811 M 14857M 9.904M 12,091/ T'.VNPASHTOONBAGHOUETTA. Rehab6tat6nafBT Road andSewerage atpmfessc«scobny, OL*ttaPSDP N020W gunt M The office cd the Eaecueve Engineer ESM iWorkshop) Oivisan CWPP&H Oeoat'tment Ouetta invites prcoc.sats of Caeoac:tces'firms Jong With sealeø financial (Single Stag;e.Tøo EhvOlOPO Bidding Procedure) rrtor.toned i.nteteste•d CcntractO"S. interested bidders are regured submit t:bcumentS as per fcilcmrg bref support of their R:rvruc.alhnanctidl proposal: I he procurern.entsnail oecamed out inacccttance wdh Public Rufes ustc (a)The Contractor must have fregh valid registration with Pakszn Courol in C-E ant above ccde in reevant a.cfis•e regt:strabon with tax autttonoes i.e CNTN, sales tax and BRA). 810 SECURITY The roust tid secuntyin fom ortan deposit or tank guararceeotamour•tncbedaoove in narneor heur.det• TECHNICAL PROPOSAL cd the Docurnents; Cd Firm J Contractorv,'lt year or estatkSF•nent pce,al address arvd rorr•bCt. Name ot Technical gecafolthejr stavwtth With 3NoctPrqects. simitar nature cd '*ark CiJhr:g last S snculd given as specif*C in bedding 2 Nö C' Projects stliitar ('d hard. goen as per crteria specified in bddirg d.ccunznts) Clearance frcem income tax aeganmert and mustsnowon least 29 .999 fet the last pears financial caveat" o' as oer sootifi0d i.n the Bidding Documents. Urder pager thatthefirmwas rm•er tiad listed / mitigation my Government j Semi Gcyenvnenh separate eac:n all certificates attested trem firstelass magistrate, It iStr.atd:alccythiM most Shmvttte ct#iral tesh PEC vec 2024-25 Pazeur• Engireerinv Curd] IPEC'/ on tre time cd submission/ openingtne Propose. Bid Secuity@2 te inthefco•n r' can i.n Name a Pam,stan. No bladhStjng , and anycthetcourlåyetourdagatrstfirm. Ahhep•gesmusttesignecardmarkedfromstarttoend. FINANCIAL PROPOSALS in sealed envelopgrejcned te r•arne & Title C' scheme. BIDDING 'TENOER DOCUMENTS: The tidders dCCU't'Cfittoatttvea#OSS met'tjon aacve CCCdudjcn or greoncttallan c' in t.m•head account C02?16 CÅdv.at1«s Gut; Treasury"Natjona• Bank af Pausan cg can be dowroaad•ed Wensne a' BPPRA wonjrg hcus„ fram ned:atect publicaticn of this irreation in reasgapers ill cre day to tie last date cd submisécn. OEAOLINES OF SUMBISSION: Technical ard finaneal prcpcsÜfrom separates envelO*G wth bt]C 8 typo 01 must te by hand or regured to address on or Oct, woo Hts. OPENNING; Tho be same day Of Oct, 2024 at 13;00 ttte geesence tidders ot' trg•it repteseotatn•es attend. rrte Secar.a sea:eø envelope containing 'Financial bids' aftecMicalW respnsive/ queified tedders Bili be opened lær, the bids. Bids Validity: Ninety WOIdays Place: The of issuance, submissizn. inqu:ies and operirg wi be The office of the Executive • Engineer. Division Eastern Bypass Quettuoffice Phone Nc 081-2674143, Email Address; PRO c ews paper Executive CWPP&H Quetta ep, from Jang dated 20 September, 2024
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