Jinnah Dental Hospital Muzaffarabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Local Purchase Of Medicine,Surgical & Disposable Items,Dialysis Unit Items,Dental Material,X ray ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir (Jinnah Dental Hospital, Muzaffarabad) INVITATION FOR BIDS Seded ue invited fcr proctrenent of me&cinec & Dental materialg,r medicinegand Detta X-ray films against the Normal budget tor Jünnah Denw Hospital AJ&K Departmert duging the year 2024-25, which be up to 10.10.X)24 ar 11 am in me Jhnah Dents Hosptal Go AJ&K Muzaffarabad md wil be cpened oo the sane day 12:00 pm the presence ot allhc«ized choose to the medico of bid opening. f. Biddng shalbe SingleStage TwoEnvelcpes bidfigpeoceåre ot Pl.büc Rules. 2017. The envelcqes shan be marked as "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" i bddandhqible letters. Financta Proposal ot bds tomd techNcany nm- re.onsive shall be retuned theresg»ctive 2. Fcr stoply ct Medicines & medicine:/öatetials and Dern X-ray F'Nms ee. MWtzed unp«ters ad Althatzed Oistruors ca participxe accordng criteria inthe biddhg docurned. 3. Bid Seny (CDR)foc Deu MateiaIvNedicines and Dental X-ray 90.000 & Medicines Rs. 160$00/. h the name Oecutive Hospitd Muzaffarabad AJK be accnprt±d bid shal •t be 4, BidsshalIrenuinvalidfor3C06.202S. S, A complete of Bi#ng docunent detaiaespecicatjons, quartity; terms & cmdlticos and eviuatjcn cnteria can be obtaned upt009.t0.2Q4 on or bdcre duty hows on submisson of wrtten and upm payment of R'. 2ØO/•fRupees Wo thousand) Ncm-rdund& In shape of cash cc bark åaft as bi#nq document tee trom StMe Jinnah dema F6sßtd f'&ile No (03460483488) trcm the office the Ejacutive Oiectc«Jinnah Dental Hospåal AJK Oling Officetvs. 6, AJI taxes/ d.Jtjes levied by GoAX vdl the bils under ansible rues. 7, A1 bidders Firms, eriblnors. DedM$) are directed to make registriionwith AJ&Kinconeta Opartment. 8, A1 bids be tape bindng d.iy galea All documnts cmtajn page mermqj*tacned in sewence Should sjgnaures of atthuüed person. Moreovec. siglhg nd stamping of each par tid6ng documentsare mmdabry, 9. A1 bidders go•arrrnent in Of sate Azad Jamru & Kashmir. areas and provinces blamic Republic of P*cistan. to. BEE web Site. Report and Award of Caltract shall abo be on A.dPPRA t FM further please contact us on h. #05822-920769, dur60 dice 12. Auficrtty mayrqect bids anytimepdccto bld derezed as AJK PPRA Rules 2017.. Note: Thi nunation Bid;' is also on NK PPRAt website Dr- Abdul Haleem Khan Executive Director. Jinnah Dental Hoepitäl Muzaffarabad Ph#05822-g2076g o Newspaper ( 20 Sep, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 20 September, 2024
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