Federal Board Of Revenue Islamabad Tender Notice for Tender,Supply Of Data Tape Cartridges For Data Centre ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Federal Board of Revenue P a k' Stan INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR Federal Boad c' Revenue (FBR} invites bids from reputable firms having valid registration wth tax and other relevant of Data Tape Cartridges for FBR Data center, Islamabad," The firrnS bids must be appeanng on the Active Taxpayers ust issued by Of Government Of 2. 3. 4. O The el@ble bdders may download lhé'@idding DUäurnent from FBR ræjsite and digibe biddesopting to downbadthe Biddng Documents must inform FBR on the email mentioned below failing FBR shall not be resporsible if bdder does rot receive darificatjcns and amendmens, if any In case ot any discrepancy betvæen tie downloaded dcgngtta.nd hardcopy. latter shallprevail. Bids. prepared in acn-dåöål the instruct"jns provided n the bidding docunMts, reach at on or before at 1100 Hrs. Bids will be openæi on the sarreday in the preserr:e of autmrized representatives the bidders who to attend. h case he bid submission and openilg faÉcna publichgéday. beconsidered as the deacline forthe TO KJrthet infctmation irspect the Docurt*ng, Bdders stould Ä).ntact Amjad Khan Second Secretary (IT-Execution) Room NO. 519, FBR House, Constitution Avenue. Islam±ad Phone #051-9208455, Email: helpline@fi.' 051 111 772772 Newspaper ( 20 Sep, 2024) www.ftw.90•.•.pk from Nawaiwaqt dated 20 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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