Cantonment Board Murree Hills Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Building,Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CANTONMENT BOARD MURREE HILLS TENDER NOTICE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2024-25 Cantonment Board Murree (CBM) waking urder tte Admiristratö,æ control of Ministry of Defences ML&C Murree road invites seeled technical & Financial Bidson bas;i5 Of sage or at par on "MES sched•ueof Rates 2,021- frotm registered contractors/ firms with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departrrænts as on Active Taxpayers List Of the Federal Board Of Revenue cu registration with Pakistm Enineering Courtcil with relevant PEC Codes of specializationför fOlbwing works tobeexecuted in Cantt Board Murreeüjring cu Financial year 2024-25 on the basis Of "Engle Stage under rule 1 of Camtt f-und Buildi Repag MV'teoatve in Cantt Atea rate rates ntCe J Manud flower greet aght$@ fOOtXhS, k*b$. and Other Of Cantt Area, 1000 sooo 0.100 2. The Technical and Financial Bds inseparatesealed envelope prepared in accordance withthe nstructions in the bidding $cuments mtst reach atOffice of the Cantonment Board, Murree on orbefore at 1100 hrs. The Technicd Bids will beopened on the same day at 12:00 hrs in tte presence of the rep•esentative of the Firms who choose tobe present at that tune. Thsad',aertisement is also wailable PPRA website at TERMS AND CONDITIONS l. render / Edding Ocurnent containing instructions to Odders, Terrns and Condtions. Bid EvaluationCriteru and pre-requisite for biddngcan be Obtained on any workh•tg day dunng office hours from office of the CBM on payment of Rs. work. 2. of technically responsive bidderswillbe openedafter iOdaysofthe ofTechNcal bid' 3. TheiTechnkalBids•øftFQfirms/contraetotswiilbeevaluatedin atordancewith Bid Evaluation Criteria mentioned in bidding doeurnervts. 4. The Fimnciil BWS only technically responsive bidders will be opened after evaluationd Technical BidS in the presence Of bid&rs/ttteir representatives (who may hke to atterd) in the office of tm Cantonment Board, Murree on tho date & t*ne to be notdied later on whereas the Financial Bids of technically non• respmsive biddersshall bereturned unopened to therespectise contactors. S. The [biddershallsubmit Security Deposit h the évapeofG'llDeposit (CDR} along with each financial Tender without Call Deposit shall not 6. Cantonment Board. Murree reerws the rights of demanding the analysis of the woted rate from the concerned tenderer to che«stheir reasonat*lity and workability. 7. 16 ease if lowest tendered rate is less ble rates then lowest tenderer shall have to deposit standing securitv•ffefindable after successful comc*etiM of the swrk) Of estimated Cost' in the Stope of Call Deposit ICDR) within 15 coys. In case of failurethe already deposited Securry Deposit Shan be 8, The quantum ot work rnay increase! as per PPRA Rules and lowest tenderershall be boundtoexecute onsimdat rates / terms &conditions. 9. Tender docurnents in view the rele•.nt PCC's Category, criteria and job specializat»onv 10.CondtionaVincanplete tenO&q+erei n necessary details are missing Wii' not be 11. The iguanceofwork shall be wbject toapprovai of rates andall other codal 12. The successful bidders 'shall submit test repre if and when required, of the matertal to be useg in the croject frorn the UJET T*xila/any other standard lab on theirownexpmgs. 19. All tax deductions / seurities shall be made as per Govt. policy vogue. 14.The tendershould be accompanied by cornplete profile ot the firm bidder, inch,'diing bllowing:- a. CompkOonCerti6cates c, Listoftechnicalskjllsstaff d. Financial capability Valid PEC IS.%ccesful tenderer will bound to deposit mandatory dues as already the Board and shall have to exectne an agreement (at the* own cost) on non- judicial stan•w papercf appropriate v*uefor fa.thfWexectAionoftt•e contract. 16,cantonment Board, Murree / Executive Officer reserves the right to reject 011 tenders as per PPRA1s Rules No. 3311) of PPRA rule 2cx:jå to reason thereof and be entertainedon this account. 17.1n case of any furtter please contact 051-9269212 from to 2026/ Cantonment Executive Officer Murree-Hills O Newspaper (20 Sep, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 20 September, 2024
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