Tehsil Municipal Administration Buner Tender Notice for Establishment Of Public Parks In Khyber Under ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE TEHSIL MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION MANDANR BUNER TENDER NOTICE Tehsil Municipal Administration, Mandanr invites sealed tender based on MRS-2021 / Non Scheduled items from the eligible contractors / firms registered with Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropriate category and with Local Council Board Peshawar (LCB) for the year 2023-24 in relevantcategory. Estimated Earnest Cost Money (In Rs.) Million) Date of Date of Opening Name of Project Submission Tender Documents Tender documents ADP Scheme No.2080/210562 (2021-22) 'Establishment of Public Parks in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa' Establishment of Public Parks in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Under 1, ADP No. 2080/210562 (2021-22) TMA Mandanr U.C Nawagai TERMS & CONDITION. 32.100M 6.4200 M OllOctober/2024 01/0ctober/2024 12:00 PM 01 PM All rates offered by bidding shall be on ABOVE / BELOW system as per new policy of the Provincial Govt the bidding documents shall be accompanied by the following additional documents will have to be produced for confirmation on demand). 01. Tender form along-with BOQ and instruction to bidders etc, may be downloaded on Local Government website e& and KPPRA( till 01/10/2024 12.00AM 02. As per clause 37(A) of KPPRA Rules, all bidders must be registered with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority. 03. 2% earnest money in the shape of call deposit issued by schedüledBank of KP for each work in the name of TMOJ TMA Mandanr must be accompanied with the tender gocuments. 04. Attested Photo copies of CNIC, Valid Registration of Council, Enlistment of LCB and KPPRAregistration beattached with tender docume ts. 05. Sealed bids must be sent through registered Mail urier services should reached before closing date and time and will be opened on the same date. 06. In light of KPPPRA Authority Notification R.O (14) 1 Vol: 1-24/2021-22, dated 10/05/2022 The Contractors quoting their bids up to a limltof 100/0 below Engineer estimate shall submit bid security to the extent of of Engineer Estimate only 07. The Contractors quoting their bids more than 10% below up-to 20% below an engineer estimate shall submit along with their bids 8% additional _9efu}ity of Engineer Estimate cost in addition to 2% bid security. If the bid is not accompanied with th required amount of additional security then it will be considered as non- responsive and the 2% bid secyrity shall be forfeited in favour of Government and the second lowest bidder and so on will be considereg accordingly, A Contractor quoting bi@inore than 20% below Engineer Estimate shall submit with his bid an additional 08. security on EngineeÖEstimated cost equal to the diffial amount of submitted bid and Engineer's Estimate along wft&bulltailed rate analysis. In case of more than 20% below bids, if bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and lor required amount of additional security, then the said bid shall be considered as non-responsive. All the securities submitted along with such non-responsive bid shall be forfeited in favor of Government and the 2nd lowest bidder and so on accordingly. 09. In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bids is, in view of the procuring Entity is not convincing, the Head of the procuring Entity may declare such bid as non-responsive without any forfeiture of bid securities and record reasons thereof. 10. All the contractor/ firms are bound to follow the KPPRArules. In-case of equal rates, toss will be conducted on the spot in the presence of Contractors. 11. 12. All federal & Provincial Duties [taxes including sales tax will be recovered as per directives ofthe Government issued from time to time. 13. Work order shall only be issued against the volume offunds available during CFY. INF(P) 2434/24 c Tehsil Officer (I&S), TMA Mandanr Buner Tehsil Municipal Officer, TMA Mandanr Buner ewspaper ep, from Businessrecorder dated 20 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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