Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Karachi Tender Notice for Hiring Of Consultancy Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CAA PAKISTAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY (PCAA) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR REVIEWING & DEVELOPING GUIDANCE MATERIAL AND ACCEPTANCE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE Pakistan Civil Aviation Authotity invites the proposals for hiring Of Consultancy Semces to assist Flights Standards. for reviewing & developing guidance material and acceptable means Of compliance from reputed consulting Firms individual consultant possessing relevant experience for a period One (01} year extendable by another one (01) year with mutual agreement/ consent Of both the parties and satisfactory performance Of the consultant. Tender Fee (NON-REFUNDABLE) Sale of Bid Documents 7" October, 2024 Bid Submission Date I Time Tender Opening Date Time 8th October, 2024 at 1130 hours October, 2024 at 1200 hours 1- 2- 3- 4. 5. 6. 7 Detailed qualification technical criteria is available &bull RFPOcument RFP documents containing detailed instructions, ondltions can be obtained from the office of undersign an any working day between 0900 to 1600 Hrs upon submission rmal application an Companys letter head along with payment af Tender fee (Non-refundable). This advertisement o available on PPRA website and PCAA website The bidding process shall be o Method. {Gag optihg PPRA "Single Stage-Two Envelopes" procedure and Least Cost Based Selection Proposal (Technical & Financtal with hid security, completed in line with instructions contained in the RFP documents must be submitted in the office of Addi ' IOirector "R, HQs PCAA by or before 1130 hours on 8th October 2024 Technical Proposal EnvéloÅ,s all he opened on the same day lat 1200 hrs) in the office ofAdditional Director HR HQs PCAAin the presence of the bidders@thår authorized representatives, who Wish to attend. The Envelops of "Fi ial Proposal" of only Technically Responswe and Qualified Firms will be opened in the presence of their respectve represen ives at the date and time to be determined and communicated later The Authority reserves all rrghts to reject any or all proposals} bids for sufficient cogent reasons which may be communicated to the bidder without being liable to any claim l' compensation of any nature as per applicable Government procurement rules. ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES HEADQUARTERS PAKISTAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY, B-6, KDA SCHEME-I KARSAZ KARACHI. Tel: 021-32521367 (Ext:3118) PIO O Newspaper (20 Sep, 2024) from Businessrecorder dated 20 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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