Inter Boards Coordination Commission Islamabad Tender Notice for Inter Boards Coordination Commission Islamabad ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 1 2. 5. 6. O IBCC/Admin-78/2024 Government of Pakistan INTER BOARDS COORDINATION coMMlss10N (IBCC) PLOT # 25, STREET # 38, I & T CENTER, G-10/4, ISLAMABAD TENDER NOTICE Sealed bids are invited from the reputed contractors/Suppliers for conversion of IBCC building into office worthy (as public dealing office) in all respect. Detail of work for conversion of building is mentioned in tender documents, which is situated at Sector H-9, Islamabad . Sealed bids should be reached to the undersigned up to 07th October, 2024 at 10:00 am. The bids shall be opened on same day at 11:00am before the Tender Opening Committee in IBCC Secretariat Building, G-10/4, Islamabad. Cost of each tender documents is Rs.1,000/- (non-refundable). Challan form can be downloaded from, to be submitted in any branch of UBL. Single stage one envelope procedure of PPRA rules will be adopted / applied. CONDITIONS FOR TENDERER: Tender documents may be obtaineffrom Assistant Director (Admin), Inter Boards Coordination Commissi n IBCC) Secretariat, Islamabad Plot No.25, Street No.38, I&T Center G-1 / , slamabad. Earnest money of Rs.50,0 n the form of Bank Draft/pay order) in favor of the Inter Boards Coordina Commission (IBCC) will have to be attached, which in case of unsuq@ssful bidders will be returned. 3. All taxes shall be i cl ded in prices/rates of bids. 4. The contractors pliers should be reputed and registered with the Income Tax and Sales T Departments having due identification. The Compeent Authority (Executive Director IBCC) reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders as per PPRA Rules. Increase or decrease of work and related supplies in the larger public interest is possible. 7. This tender notice may be seen on PPRA website and IBCC website Assistant Director (Admin), IBCC Phone: 051-9106688 Newspaper ( 20 Sep, 2024) PID (l) 2018/24 from Businessrecorder dated 20 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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