Trade Development Authority Of Pakistan Karachi Tender Notice for Tender,Procurement Of Board Room Sound Systems  ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF BOARD ROOM SOUND SYSTEM Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (T DAP), an authority established for promotion of trade and business, under the Ministry of Commerce, invites sealed bids from firms registered on PPRA EPADS having active Income Tax and Sales Tax certificates for procurement of board room sound system at TDAP HQ arachi, 2. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and Itions, method of procurement, procedure for submission of bids, bid security, bi alidity, opening of bid, evaluation criteria, clarification rejection of bids, performance uarantee etc. are available for the interested bidders at EPADS website of PPFA.&The bidding documents fees of Rs. 10,000/&bull through pay order in favor of LTDA rn be submitted along with Technical Bid at the time of Technical Bid Submission. 3. Single Sta e One Envelo e Procedu per PPRA rule 36(a) would be used for Open Competitive idding for eac work. Sealed Bid proposal should accompany a bid security of Rs. 120,000/- (Fixed} in the order In favour of TDAR 4. The bids, prepared in accordanæ&bullwith the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at the office of the DeputV(Director (Expo), Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (T DAP), 8 th FTC Building, Karachi on or before 11 AM on 4h October 2024. Bids will be o ened on the same day at 11 AM, This advertisement is als available on EPADS & FDAP websites. All bidders to apply through EPADS. 5. Trade Developmepti+uthor'ty of Pakistan reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to annul the biddingorocess at any time, however, reasons for rejection or annulling bid rocess will be.ommunicated to the concerned bidder(s) in accordance with the Procurement Rules. Asadullah Qureshi, Deputy Manager Email: [email protected]. Trade Development Authority of Pakistan MINISTRY OF COMMERCE GOVER NMEN T OF PA KISTAN Block-A, 5 th Floor, Finance & Trade Centre, Shahrah-e-FaisaI, c ewspaper Karachi-75350 ep, from Businessrecorder dated 19 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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